what happened... after the last update my city coordinates changed. and i'm in the middle of no where surrounded by forest i have a screen shot but i don't know how to post it there is now a city where my city was the coordinates are [480:550]
on: 20 Sep 2011 [06:29]
Thats weird. Playing on the Britannia server?
on: 20 Sep 2011 [06:45]
First, ??? is a horrible topic name. Anyway, I believe there was a 1-time city relocation that was done to put you in the region of where your order was, so you are probably now in England which makes you my
on: 20 Sep 2011 [10:14]
I agree
on: 20 Sep 2011 [15:04]
I changed the topic name, so there is more clearness now.
What RavensSeason says is new to me, but it definetly sounds reasonable.