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hi there...somebody can tell me for how long you can have you heroes killed in a battle without resurrect them in the tabern?...I supose that you can have them forever as you was paying for most of them and growing their level isn´t?
ty best Ibiza |
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on: 03 Mar 2011 [15:35]
on: 03 Mar 2011 [20:48]
on: 04 Mar 2011 [13:19]
I really find strange this rule .....you pay or you invest your time to grow up them...then unfortunally they are killed.....well....if they been killed thats ok....why resurect heroes..this happen in real life?...but anyway...if they can be resucted ....just in one week'...why?...any reason for?....BUT AT THE SAME TIME YOU CAN PUT THEM IN TABER TO SALE THEM....crazy rule....would be interesting revise this rule..people are training heroes to obtain gold....thats not the soul of the game..but....
on: 04 Mar 2011 [17:53]
so what are you saying? would you like to kill your heroes then resurrect them when they are needed so you don't have to pay upkeep? nice try! this is a free game, use the ways the game provides to gain gold, what part of this is "not the soul of the game"? its part of the game...also, you are doing just about the same thing if you wish for what you say, saving gold... you are preaching hypocrisy here...(not to be rude or anything, you probably did not mean it). its a game, not a simulation... |
on: 04 Mar 2011 [19:43]
Crimson...I can see your point....im sorry you dont have even point....My heroes were killed just once in near 1 year....what are you saying about kill my heroes....this is a nonsense...a developer that dont even know what he/she is saying...
first of all inform you first. Regarding soul of the game.....I can see the soul...GOLD...thats correct..ty for aclare me the points once again An finally....You really think I dont even care about what you think about me?...Im sorry to tell you that is not the case...and will not in future... Hipocresy is just send me 2 answers for one ticket and dont do what you said.....Hipocresy ..hahahah...good try babe ...Im sorry to tell you that is not the case...and will not in future... The only reason to post here is to make other people will know how this game treat players... |
on: 04 Mar 2011 [20:36]
on: 04 Mar 2011 [22:18]
wiki_kiki, thanks.
I'm only a moderator for the English forums. wiki_kiki explained why I have developer rank. lets do the math shall we... lets see, lets say you have 10 paying heroes (11 heroes in total). Lets also say they are all lvl 30+. total upkeep per day is 50 gold. lets say, you are not expecting any attacks against you for the next five days. so you go ahead and kill you heroes. that way, you do not have to spend 250 gold for upkeep, instead you only pay 100 gold to revive! wow, you just saved 150 gold! lets add to this and say you wish to take a 30 day vacation! that's 1500 upkeep for the heroes that wont see any battle during the 30 day vacation, so lets say dead heroes stay in the tavern forever (instead of the 7 days which is imposed), you could just kill your heroes and revive them when you come back, you save a whopping 1400 gold! This is one of the main reasons dead heroes don't last for long... also, lets look at another reason, you can start building your hero collection 1 hero at a time (its priceless and faster this way) so a player can horde such built-up heroes until the time calls for s/he to revive all of them to defend or attack with. Hell, I even propose to have dead heroes removed on the 5th day instead of the 7th. If I still don't have a point then maybe its the language barrier or something... As for you (i think) taking offense to my hypocrisy statement, I did say it was not meant to be a rude statement. I was just saying that to make sure you did not mean it... Maybe it is I who misunderstood your question? |
on: 05 Mar 2011 [00:39]
on: 05 Mar 2011 [01:27]
hooo I like to bring out the theme of heroes during holidays
because I have to pay for something that I will not use (this is an injustice of the game for gold) because I have to worry about the riots in my camps during holidays (this is an injustice of the game for gold) the theme of heroes who will die if you're not aware of auctioning every 3 days There is no way to recover 900 of attack in 7 days and I 20 heroes, if I could only recover 100 attack (this is an injustice of the game in exchange for gold) as we all know a lot of time playing these injustices and what I believe is best not to think of them and still enjoy the good parts of the game greetings to all and a hug to ibiza ![]() |
on: 06 Mar 2011 [00:34]
updated: 06 Mar 2011 [03:31]
on: 06 Mar 2011 [12:06]
HAHAHA,,,,well done ortton,,,,do you know that you nick in latin means something related with the place where tha back lose his name?...propably not...
Crimson....Im sure is a barrier language...why I would like kill my heroes if I had building them durin last year...? 1/ I didnt had 10..I had 34 heroes 2/ The ones were hired heroes I didnt resurected because I didnt have troops to comand..all of them where killed because support its so unprofessional and didnt recover what they said they would...why pay to resurect heroes if you dont have troops?Is not necessary be very intelectually alive to understand this point. 3/ I find very silly the rule that if you dont resurect your heroes in 7 days you lose them(obviously from players point of view,,,not from people involved in amber games the they think just in Gold)I paid for this heroer a hughe amount of gold and I invested time and effort in grow their level....I should own this heroes and resurect when I would like...I deserved and you have my money for it !!!! 4/ Now aparently heroes that we find spending our diamonds...become to pay them a hire fee!!!!!I get 10 free gold heroes spending my diamonds and now 9 of them become hired 5 dialy gold heroes !!!1--what a bull of lies and tricks use this game.....Im sure been studied to make that some big players will leave the game and leave mercenary campa and cities to the rest to make them happy....Thas totally unadmissible !!!I want heroes as I got them..FREE of hire fee... 5/ I know now why this game was just third.....becuse dont deserve be ahead..,, Pitonava show you the points to recover heroes...how I will recover 900.000 attack army in 7 days?...just with gold!!! You should think that players like us make this game happen spending more than 1.000 euros in one year....you are very near to lose them for next year....very near....continue like that...I will start an auction for my 30 mercenary camps very soon if I dont have a satisfactory answer for the amber games support... |
on: 06 Mar 2011 [14:34]
to save gold, its not like the revert bact to level 1 when they die, you only lose exp to next level... 1400 gold or some % to the next level, you tell me which one you want to keep? 10 was my example, not your your real life eplaination, to more heroes you have the more initiative you have to use this loop hole to save gold. OK, I acknowledge this point. But within 7 days, you should have most if not all of your army built back. The obvious gold saving loop hope is why this "7 day until removed" rule (i think) can not be extended any farther. (you can actully get 9 days if you know another loop hole) I pointed out the obvious flaws this would incur. well yea...they are "conditionally free" as are all other "free" heroes. this is even said in the mouse-over description of the hero picture in the spend diamonds menu... all free heroes become paying heroes when they die... if you think not reading is the game's and/or developer's fault then you have a point......Don't let your free heroes die in combat then...as simple as that! hmmm and I thought it was because of how new this game is... you have 9 days if you know how to do so, also you can keep auctioning your heroes every other 3 days to avoid paying for them for 2 days. or you can hire them then kill them if you think it might take a really long time to recover. However, you do have a point none the less! As for a solution, I really don't know of one that have no flaws... |
on: 06 Mar 2011 [18:18]
on: 06 Mar 2011 [19:31]
on: 07 Mar 2011 [01:58]
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