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Note to players: Don't suggest other suggestions in a suggestion topic. Don't go off topic. Most of these were skipped from the list. I went to page 10 in the forum, then stopped listing the rest. (Apparently I've been doing this for ~4 hours)
Topics of Concern - Forum Suggestions - General Game Suggestions (most suggestions are listed under here - Aragon Game Suggestions - Order Suggestions - Suggested Events - Troop Suggestions - Tip of the Day - Statistics Suggestions Forum Suggestions Point System, 2 (My suggestion: Awarded by Moderators/Developers) General Game Suggestions Single Purchase Heroes () Tutorial Warning () Deleting "All" inbox items () Game Chat, 2 (Some Support) Private Trade () Transfer Artifacts to Allies () Telescope (Artifact) () Blacksmith , 2 () Treaty Changes () Contracts () Partial Skill Resets () Hut Explore Icon (position change) () Two way self trade () Cancel Travel (from other towns) () Limit Server Payments () Fort Blacklist () Profile Achievements () "Oil" Upgrade for towers/walls () "Army Stats" on attack page (Ignored) Resource Demands (NAP/Ally) () Merging Cities () Valley Crusades () Game Weather () "Cart" Rally Point () Aragon Game Suggestions Change Robbing () Well (Implemented) Order Suggestions "Great" Alliance () Order Notice () Order Profiles (Note: Make a wiki page! ![]() Second in command, 2 () "Fort Knox" () Suggested Events Christmas Hut () "Barbarian" Attack () Dragon Den (Note: New Hut/Event) Reputation Rewards () Troop Suggestions English Archers & Scottish Highlanders () Genoese Crossbowmen () Cronicler () Donkey/Mule () Lansquenets and Swiss guards () Berserkers () Varangian Guards () Black Knights (Enough troop suggestions yet?) Tip of the Day Info Tabs () Statistics Suggestions Troops Killed/Lost () |
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on: 19 Jan 2011 [12:56]
on: 19 Jan 2011 [14:12]
on: 22 Jan 2011 [09:55]
on: 22 Jan 2011 [12:19]
on: 15 Feb 2011 [12:47]
updated: 17 Feb 2011 [10:10]
the idea that players create missions, just as it appears in the tutorial, you need to do this and that ... the same system for missions to send them .. find objects such as ... capture cities .. kill a marauder army that is in a location ... things like that .. you can find with other armies and fight .. will also discuss the idea of creating the figure of the Druid or even go look for this in some site .. and provide rewards for .. more people be encouraged to play more fun and will not leave the game.
good greeting .. I hope you take into account missions could be to the orders .... or for the players to play solo thanks again |
on: 05 Mar 2011 [09:50]
Aragon server:
1: Would you concider open trade within the order, a way to assist your fellow order members by offering gold, resources or troops for example (For no gold charge). 2: If someone is found using more then 1 account. Why not ban all accounts from the guilty party. Let the punishment fit the crime so to speak. This way there would be no avantage and it would prove a total waste of time. Or you could wipe the account and let them resart from scratch. |
on: 19 Apr 2011 [16:31]
on: 02 Jun 2011 [23:36]
Hi,look,this game really needs to be faster,iff you attack somebody,it doesn't need to take hours,should be,right away.Where are we living,what time?.....50 years ago,attacking,building,developing,everything,faster.
Other part what we need ,different kinds off weapons,a lot. Also,special soldiers,use your imagination,there are so many kinds, I can have very good ideas, if you are open, greetz. |
on: 03 Jun 2011 [00:48]
on: 14 Oct 2011 [01:23]
good evening,
i have a sugestion when you can create a batle arena where players can challange each other in a one to one ore a two against two fight. And a big board where everybody can see the challange and the time off the potential fight, it give players a change to fight each other with out a trap so a onnest change to win. A batle log can be avaleble for all players and a list off all batles and a best off the best so there going to be much more fights again. hoping this is a good sugestion greetings Tex |
on: 14 Oct 2011 [01:26]
on: 14 Oct 2011 [01:28]
on: 25 Apr 2012 [04:50]
on: 15 Aug 2012 [19:11]
Is there any talk about creating oriental mercanery camps for the oriental troops at all or just keeping the same ones and only those with fortresses and historicals allowed to creat them? atleast allow order members of the ones owning the fortresses and historics to share points and creat oriental troops
on: 10 Feb 2013 [21:04]
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