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Post your Beta World battle reports here!
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on: 19 Jan 2011 [00:59]
updated: 19 Jan 2011 [01:00]
My only battle report that I have to post...
You lost: Barbarian 189, Man-at-arms 33, Teutonic knight 26, Santa Claus 12, Horseman 41, Scout 1, Knight Templar 39, Pikeman 33, Highwayman 49, Knight 122, Swordsman 2425. You killed: Horse Archer 750, Teutonic knight 130, Hero 4, Scout 11, Knight Templar 150, Cart 400, Pikeman 761, Ranger 751, Knight 927, Barbarian 150, Archer 805, Man-at-arms 561, Horseman 208, Footpad 500, Marksman 759, Norman Archer 740, Royal Guard 269, Barbarian 2827, Highwayman 150, Swordsman 6069.
on: 22 Feb 2011 [17:46]
My battle Report after a fight with Dobriy
You killed: Barbarian 232, Knight 45, Swordsman 147, Pikeman 14, Horseman 12
You Lost: Barbarian 1132, Knight 932, Swordsman 9032, Horseman 250, Ranger 250, Archer 250, Marksman 250, Man at arms 250, Pikeman 2000, Horse Archer 250, Norman Archer 250, Teutonic Knight 250, Templar Knight 145, Footpad 250, Slave 100, Highwayman 250, Royal Guard 350
That was quite a harsh defeat. It was when many players were trying to capture one of Dobriys cities and he was just waiting on the East Gate which I landed on 
on: 26 Feb 2011 [02:50]
To animate this
Defeat but a good fight
Me again Danisimo and zumm
All your troops were defeated in city teuton castle. You lost: Horse Archer 1250, Teutonic knight 1249, Hero 13, Scout 20, Knight Templar 1247, Slave 100, Pikeman 731, Ranger 689, Knight 1246, Barbarian 5203, Man-at-arms 800, Archer 1203, Horseman 255, Marksman 1006, Norman Archer 1260, Royal Guard 1212, Highwayman 798, Swordsman 4469. You killed: Barbarian 5914, Teutonic knight 4601, Horseman 28, Knight Templar 21, Norman Archer 2197, Pikeman 9, Highwayman 25, Knight 53, Swordsman 12260. Results of a fight in resources: not available.
on: 02 Mar 2011 [09:10]
Great fight. It was close. Just me with 4 enemies:
You lost: Barbarian 5, Man-at-arms 43, Teutonic knight 60, Horseman 58, Scout 3, Knight Templar 63, Pikeman 42, Highwayman 87, Knight 548, Swordsman 7357. You killed: Horse Archer 979, Teutonic knight 260, Hero 8, Scout 36, Knight Templar 158, Slave 446, Pikeman 2534, Ranger 307, Knight 780, Barbarian 1666, Man-at-arms 2103, Archer 3897, Santa Claus 70, Horseman 762, Marksman 2672, Norman Archer 2057, Royal Guard 250, Highwayman 23, Swordsman 14598.
on: 23 Mar 2011 [20:22]
I just went into a druids temple where my order were already fighting with over 250000 troops and while I was travelling to link up with them I was attacked by 5 armies each with over 10000 troops in them. Luckily I killed most of the and only lost 1000 sword and 1000 pike. Pretty good fight though 
on: 30 Mar 2011 [16:31]
egner Eduards8 wurde in der Stadt Ψ Ratingen I Ψ besiegt. Eigene Verluste: Norman Bogenschützen 28, Berittene Bogenschützen 18, Held 3, Straßenräuber 5, Fährtensucher 5, Schwertkämpfer 115. Sie haben getötet: Ballista 2, Held 3, Lanzenträger 640, Wagen 317, Ranger 198, Ritter 160, Katapult 30, Bogenschütze 740, Waffenmann 640, Weihnachtsmann 13, Rammbock 28, Reiter 157, Straßenräuber 186, Scharfschütze 740, Norman Bogenschützen 169, Königliche Wache 25, Wache 20, Schwertkämpfer 2125. Ergebnis der Schlacht in Rohstoffen: nicht verfügbar.
on: 30 Mar 2011 [17:11]
 Check that detailed report... LOL
Great battle Kannix!
on: 30 Mar 2011 [18:13]
 roflmfao!! you should probably send ticket to support... 
on: 02 Oct 2012 [20:59]
You lost: 0. You killed: Pikeman 20. You robbed: coal 161, iron 161, stone 161, wood 161, lime 161. Results of a fight in resources: not available.    then  my
this is my first battle in Beta server
on: 02 Oct 2012 [21:31]
He had no ranged troops so I can not tell if this was from luck or beginner's knowledge. Either or, good job!
on: 21 Oct 2012 [12:02]
Results of campaign in Malton-0007 2 город. You lost: Pikeman 107, Swordsman 277. You killed: Archer 35, Ranger 1, Swordsman 337. You robbed: 0. Results of a fight in resources: not available.
i killed more than i lost but then i forced to retreat.
on: 25 Nov 2012 [19:08]
this is my biggest victory ever!
i was less by number but killed his army
Results of campaign in BETH 3. You lost: Ranger 1, Swordsman 1028. You killed: Horse Archer 36, Hero 1, Scout 1, Pikeman 546, Ranger 302, Knight 26, Catapult 50, Man-at-arms 445, Archer 314, Horseman 441, Footpad 2, Marksman 645, Norman Archer 26, Royal Guard 4, Highwayman 78, Swordsman 546. You robbed: 0. Results of a fight in resources: not available.
on: 26 Nov 2012 [15:27]
Rather a good victory for you.
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