From 1100ad
< Orders
Revision as of 03:10, 7 September 2010 by XXGeorgeXX (Talk | contribs)
SPAN-GRAIL is a powerful, all spanish speaking, order which positions itself in the top 10 'Power of Order' in Holy Grail. The order expands over many valleys, but hold a strong influence over Valley 16. The members of SPAN-GRAIL stay truthful to each other and go to extremes to help every single member in the order, and the vassals the order itself holds.
Adella Master of Order
Bosco R2P2 1st Commander 2nd Commander
caibueno dedoss dls1975 emiflyer elquetodolove frik33 franciscovalera huekecillo herue jejuni Jay_y_er legion76 lokomotora pedro1974 PINIGUINI supergirl2_2 tuyud tumba1 valermusic xikovisioso XXGeorgeXX Yefrata
SPAN-GRAIL's Diplomatic Relations:
--- WestLand(zabaks)