
From 1100ad

Revision as of 03:38, 4 May 2010 by Artemis Cahill (Talk | contribs)
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Back Last Edited: 4.5.2010 by Artemis Cahill
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Max Level: 20
Health: 500
Limit 1 per city
Limit per player

Market is where you trade resources, transport resources between cities, buy resources with gold, and change resources into another type for gold or for free.
Upgrading market will allow for more resources to be traded at once.


The market can be robbed of the resources that you put into it for a trade option.

Building Chart

'Level' 'Move cost' Amount of resources that can be stored in market. 'Health' 'Requirements'
1 - - - - - - - Gold Template:H1 -
2 - Gold Template:H2 -
3 - Gold Template:H3 -
4 - Gold Template:H4 -
5 - Gold 1,300 Template:H5 -
6 22 17 65 78 62 2 - Gold Template:H6 -
7 - Gold Template:H8 -
8 - Gold Template:H8 -
9 - Gold Template:H9 -
10 - Gold Template:H10 -
11 - Gold Template:H11 -
12 - Gold Template:H12 -
13 - Gold Template:H13 -
14 - Gold Template:H14 -
15 - Gold Template:H15 -
16 - Gold Template:H16 -
17 - Gold Template:H17 -
18 - Gold Template:H18 -
19 - Gold Template:H19 -
20 - Gold Template:H20 -