From 1100ad
Spieler können folgende diplamatische Verträge abschliessen, die Einfluss auf die Spielstrategie haben:
- Truppen können zur Hilfe in eine Stadt des Allianzpartners geschickt werden. Sie können diese Stadt aber nur für eine Hilfkampagne verlassen.
- Allianzpartner können keinen Angriff auf eine Stadt des Partners starten.
- Allies do not fight in neutral or hostile cities (with the exception when one of the members sent troops to help a city defense while other member of the alliance is attacking the same city)
- Time to dissolve the alliance: 1 day or when received agreement from the other party
- Kosten für den Vertragsabschluss: 0 Reputation
- Kosten für die Vertragsauflösung: 10 Reputation
- No limitation for reputation when forming or dissolving the agreement.
- Extra information
Nicht-Angriffs-Pakt (NAP)
- Members of the NAP cannot send attack campaigns nor aid campaigns to each others cities.
- In neutral or hostile cities the members’ troops will attack each other.
- Time to dissolve the pact: 1 day or when received agreement from the other party
- Cost to establish the pact: 0 reputation
- Cost to dissolve the pact: 5 reputation
- No limitation for reputation when forming or dissolving the agreement.
- Required only to end a war
- Members of the truce cannot send attack campaigns nor aid campaigns to each others cities.
- Time to dissolve the agreement: Automatically dissolved after a week of forming it. Cannot be dissolved manually. Can be overwritten by other friendly agreement (NAP, Alliance, …)
- Cost to establish an agreement: 0 reputation
- Cost to dissolve the agreement: 0 reputation
- No limitation for reputation when forming or dissolving the agreement.
- Siege weapons (rams, catapults) can be used against enemies to destroy other buildings except the castle in their cities, not only walls and the gates.
- Can siege and capture enemy castles with a hero
- Cost to establish the agreement: 50 reputation
- Cost to dissolve the agreement: 0 reputation
- Minimum reputation to declare a war: -199 reputation
- Minimum reputation to accept the declaration of war: -199 reputation
- The Lord can send troops for help in vassals’ cities. Vassals can send troops for help into lord’s city or into cities of lord’s vassals
- Lord’s and lord’s vassals’ cities can be used like your own cities to send military campaigns from them, as well as to return them back.
- Vassal pays the lord the amount listed in the agreement.
- Lord’s wars get transferred to their vassals.
- Cost to establish an agreement: 0 reputation
- Cost to dissolve an agreement: 10 reputation
- Minimum reputation to offer an agreement: -149 reputation
- Minimum reputation to accept the agreement: -149 reputation
- Order’s policy and politics are defined by the head of the order (the master)
- Order members can send troops for help into any city of order member
- Cities of order members can be used like your own cities to send military campaigns from them, as well as to return them back.
- Order members cannot be someone’s vassal. Maximum number of knight’s vassals is defined by the level of Vassalage in the order.
- All order members are allies.
- Diplomatic relationships established by the master of the order are automatically transferred (copied) to all knights of the order.
- Order members pay the order leader the amount listed in the agreement they formed with the master
- Cost to establish an agreement: 0 reputation
- Cost to dissolve an agreement: 0 reputation
- Minimum reputation requirements: unknown
When establishing any kind of agreement except for war and lord-vassal/order agreements, you can offer or request up to 100 gold and up to 50000 of all resources to sign the agreement. This payment is done only once, and will occur if the player has the necessary amount of gold or resources. At the moment, the lack of requested payment does not affect the agreement forming process.
Payment methods listed below can be used in lord-vassal agreements and agreements to accept a player into an order. Everything listed for lord-vassal is the same for master-knight of the order.
Bezahlung mit Söldnerpunkten
- Glory points are AKA mercenary points
- Maximum amount of points that the lord can receive in one agreement is 10k
- Number of points the lord can receive depends on the amount of cities and mercenary camps controlled by the vassal. For each city/camp the lord can get the following amount of points from the vassal, depending on lord’s status:
- If the lord is an order’s master – 750 points each
- if the lord is a knight of an order – 650 points each
- if the lord is not in an order – 500 points each
- Lord takes the set amount of points even if they were used by the vassal, but not less than the amount of points defined by cities and camps of the vassal. If any mercenary troops are supplied by these points, they will die.
- Vassal gets all the points back when dissolving an agreement.
- If the vassal has fewer points in total than the amount set in the agreement, the lord will receive all the mercenary points the vassal has, until vassal will have the necessary amount listed in the agreement.
- For example: Under agreement, vassal has to give 2000 points, but the obelisk produces only 500 points – all 500 points will be given to the lord. The vassal upgrades the obelisk, which now produces 1000 points – whole 1000 points go to the lord. Vassal upgrades it again, and the obelisk will give 3000 points – 2000 of it will go to the lord, 1000 will remain with the vassal.
Payment with resources to lord’s library (percentage)
- Each time that vassal invests into their library, the lord will receive a set percentage of those investments into their own library. This tax is deducted from the vassal’s investments, for example if the tax is 25%, instead of 10000 resources invested the vassal will receive 7500 into their library and 2500 resources will receive the lord’s library.
Payment with gold (time-based)
- Lord defines the amount of payments and the period in which this payment will be deducted.
- Lord will not receive payment if the vassal has no gold.
Payment with resources to lord’s library (time-based)
- Once in a set period of time, resources from vassal’s storage will be sent to lord’s library.
- Lord will not receive the payment if the vassal has insufficient amount of resources.
Payment for signing an agreement (with gold)
- Payment gets deducted once, when signing the deal, when the future vassal accepts the offered agreement.
- There are many "exceptions" to this system. During the battle there are 2 (two) sides, the attackers and the defender. This condition is strongly reflected on the variety of diplomatic relationships in the game. To be precise, it rewrites all diplomatic relations into condition “attacking or defending”. Those attacking will always fight against those defending, therefore the side you are fighting on depends on the type of the campaign that you sent into the location (city, citadel, fort, location with a NPC) – attack (attackers) or help (defenders).
- For example, there is the following situation:
- You are a player, in order “Order”, and all members of your order are your allies.
- You have another ally (“Ally 1”), which is not in the “Order” and is at war with the order (is an enemy of order “Order”).
- Someone from your order “Order” attacked your ally’s (“Ally 1”) city.
- Since “Ally 1” is in diplomatic relations with you, classified as “Alliance”, then you can send troops into their city only as an aid, which will automatically make you the “defender”.
- Member of your order “Order”, at the same time, is on the “attackers” side, since they chose the “Attack” campaign mode when sending troops to “Ally 1” city.
- “Ally 1”, defending their city, will automatically be on the “defenders” side.
- As a result, you will defend your ally “Ally 1” and will fight against the member of your order “Order”, despite the fact that they are both allies to you.
- Be careful when sending armies into any locations, where any uneasy political action is taking place, as something bad might happen.