on: 10 Apr 2012 [17:58]
(:s4:)Basic calculations to get 15th city point (13,969,831,458 resources);

14 cities each producing 580 resources per hour.

14*580=8,120 per hour
8120*24=194,880 per day
194,880*365=71,131,200 per year

13,969,831,458/71,131,200=196.4 years to gather resources.

WOW! I am going to have to play for a long time!(:s4:)
on: 11 Apr 2012 [01:44]
updated: 11 Apr 2012 [01:44]
(:s8:)(:s8:) Lets make it about 190 years if you are successful at robbing.
on: 13 Apr 2012 [18:43]
Well maybe, someday someone will make it attainable, or just remove it since it is currently MI for the game.
on: 22 May 2013 [15:48]
2-3 lives to live. (:s8:)
this is to all.
never collect city points after 11th city. make your vassals to capture the cities that you want as a launch point. so you will have the tactical and strategical things solved. make special robbery groups and rob every day! so you will have the resources that would create that rest 4 cities (12th-13th-14th-15th cities). what remains for the populations to make armies you just need to be clever and catch vassals and do everything with MP not with population.
only for few cities don`t waste your lives (in paradise or in hell lives too)
i said things that no-gold players can do.