AmberGames Game Description

From 1100ad

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1100AD is a free, multiplayer, online, browser-accessed, server-based Medieval War Strategy Game.

The essence of the game lies in the construction and development of cities in order to enter into trade and relations with other players to conduct various aspects of Warfare.

1100AD is a medieval game as the game's terminology and action takes place in a Middle Ages time-frame.

The war component of 1100AD plays a crucial role in the game. There are several types of troops:

  • Heroes,
  • infantry,
  • cavalry,
  • siege weapons and carts,
  • plus numerous types of mercenary units.

Each troop type has its unique purpose and characteristics. The Heroes are special units, which in addition to the capacity to fight, gives bonuses based on their skills to the soldiers in his army. This adds to the game's role-playing genre. When an army with a hero kills enemy units, the hero gains experience. Upon reaching a certain amount of experience, the hero levels up and gets a point, which can be used to improve or add skills. In addition, Heroes are the only units that have the special ability to siege enemy castles and conquer a new city.

The simplest types of interactions with others in this real time strategy is trade and war. 1100AD servers grow ever larger and because of this a single person can not achieved total victory, or remain in the top position of leadership endlessly. Additionally, this medieval game provides a system of lords and vassals that corresponds to the middle ages diplomacy structure, adding the unique ability to have an intricate web of associations and alliances.

1100AD being a free, easily accessed, multiplayer game, is available to anyone.