Hero Levels

From 1100ad

Revision as of 04:16, 7 September 2011 by Joraal (Talk | contribs)
Hero Last Edited: 7.9.2011 by Joraal
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The multiplicator is 1.3 for each hero level, starting with 169 experience points to reach the second one.

Level Required XP
1 0
2 169
3 219
4 285
5 371
6 482
7 627
8 815
9 1,060
10 1,378
11 1,792
12 2,329
13 3,028
14 3,937
15 5,118
Level Required XP
16 6,654
17 8,650
18 11,245
19 14,619
20 19,004
21 24,706
22 32,118
23 41,753
24 54,280
25 70,564
26 91,733
27 119,253
28 155,029
29 201,538
30 261,999
Level Required XP
31 340,599
32 442,779
33 575,613
34 748,296
35 972,786
36 1,264,621
37 1,644,008
38 2,137,210
39 2,778,374