on: 05 Jan 2023 [20:50]
updated: 05 Jan 2023 [21:00]
Congratulations for all winners!(:s22:)
Link to video:

Nick |Lottery Nr|server|Nr. of winning ticket
1. "jaymo" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 4
2. "kasperskis" Blitz4 (OTTON) 2
3. "BraveHeartHero" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 4
4. "JvKForeverer" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 1
5. "mmm54" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 1
6. "Baumarktman" Blitz1 (ROMANICA)
7. "kasperskis" Blitz4 (OTTON) 3
8. "stefan2003" Blitz1 (ROMANICA)
9. "carlosgodinho" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 3
10. "stefan2003" Blitz2 (ROMANICA)
11. "Gin1000" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 4
12. "kalenuy" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 3
13. "THEGOOOD" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 1
14. "BraveHeartHero" Blitz3 (BALCANICA)
15. "EntonijsIV" Blitz4 (OTTON) 8
16. "rocky1717" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 3
17. "martins256" Blitz4 (OTTON) 3
18. "apalain95" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 6
19. "kalambur" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 1
20. "stefan2003" Blitz3 (ROMANICA)
21. "jo47112" Blitz4 (OTTON) 1
22. "Gin1000" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 9
23. "skarlat1986" Blitz4 (ARAGON) 8
24. "prinzluitpold" Blitz2 (ROMANICA)
25. "rocky1717" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 5
26. "arnoldsw22" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 1
27. "DrBob45" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 4
28. "Veranda" Blitz1 (ROMANICA)
29. "kalex61" Blitz2 (BALCANICA)
30. "asote" Blitz2 (ROMANICA)
31. "rapidscr71" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 4
32. "ruts" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 2
34. "loewe2307" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 5
35. "74443" Blitz4 (ARAGON) 2
36. "ninuta08" Blitz4 (EPIC) 3
37. "Lorca_IX" Blitz4 (ARAGON) 5
38. "BaquetaRS" Blitz4 (EPIC) 1
39. "ruts" Blitz2 (ROMANICA)
41. "Kaigero" Blitz3 (BALCANICA)
42. "Golovorezz" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 1
43. "alexey1997" Blitz4 (ARAGON) 1
44. "arikaro" Blitz4 (OTTON) 2
45. "AlexXXI" Blitz4 (BALCANICA) 1
46. "ninuta08" Blitz1 (BALCANICA)
47. "galkin" Blitz4 (OTTON) 3
48. "JVH" Blitz2 (BALCANICA)
49. "svettoma" Blitz3 (ROMANICA)
50. "leksama" Blitz4 (ROMANICA) 2


NB! Higher Level winners should write ticket for location coordinates:


4 times - the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance: + 22k + 11k + 5100 + 3500 + the location of the promo offer for 22k (if you have enough free required points).
(:s20:) -

3 times - the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance: + 11k + 5100 + 3500 + the location of the promo offer for 11k (if you have enough free required points),

(:s11:) 3.LVL stefan2003 (ROMANICA)

2 times - the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance: + 5100 + 3500 + locations from the promo offer for 5100 (if you have enough free required points)

(:s7:) 2.LVL Gin1000 (ROMANICA)
(:s10:) 2.LVL ruts (ROMANICA)
(:s7:) 2.LVL BraveHeartHero (BALCANICA)
(:s10:) 2.LVL rocky1717 (BALCANICA)
(:s7:) 2.LVL kasperskis (ARAGON)

1 time the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance + 3500 (without locations).


Blitz1 Lottery Results:

Blitz2 Lottery Results:

Blitz3 Lottery Results:
on: 30 May 2023 [10:27]
Congratulations to the winners of the last match. Hope to have my name next time.
getting over it