on: 14 Apr 2020 [20:53]
updated: 14 Apr 2020 [21:25]

Today, the world is facing a terrible pandemic. In this regard, such human values ​​as caring for one's neighbor, love and faith come to the fore. And very soon, millions of believers around the world will celebrate the Easter Sunday of Christ. This is a celebration of philanthropy, when we forget about toughening and bitterness in our souls, when we unite with our families and friends in order to give each other a piece of light, warmth and kindness, which are now needed for everyone!

The 1100AD team sincerely congratulates all the players on the upcoming Easter holidays and wishes that peace, love and good reign in your families and hearts.
In honor of this holiday - from April 8 to April 30, you will find new items, promotions, mini-games and special offers in the game!

In all cities where there is a free cell of sand or grass, a special, festive tree will appear - Easter Palm. Once in a while, the tree lights up with colored lights and brings a gift to its owner.
All players during Easter Sunday will receive special gifts!

Take part in a mini-game “match three” and try your luck in the battle among the best!
The rules of the game are very simple:
It is necessary to assemble a row or column of 3, 4 or 5 identical elements. Depending on the number of items collected, the player gets points. Collect points and get great prizes! The more games, the more valuable the prizes.
A combination of two bombs gives a special number of points.

For each player and for each Order, statistics on the number of points collected is kept and after the holidays TOP 10 best players and TOP 10 best Orders on each server will receive valuable prizes.
Guaranteed monument prizes are available in each level passed, starting from the 19th.

Additionally, we announce a mid-server contest!

The top 3 players from the TOP “Match three” will receive special prizes, but each player can receive only one prize in the nominations:
- The best player in the mini-game;
- The best decorator;
- The best collector of combinations;
- The best player in performance;
- Easter Master.

Additionally, the top 5 Orders that won the mid-server contest will receive special prizes in each category!
Keep track of the game statistics, win and get unique prizes!

Easter Bunny - help the rabbit fulfill his love mission and get his reward! To complete the task, you need to collect special artifacts that can be obtained for temporary location research. When all parts are in place, the player receives the indicated reward. List of awards can be shuffled for gold.

For each player, statistics are kept about how many missions he helped to complete. At the end of the holidays, the TOP 10 best players will receive a prize. You can see your place in the TOP statistics.

A guaranteed draft of the Monument of the Great Warrior will be available after the assembly of 30 rabbits.
Also this year, for 100 collected rabbits, you can get a special hero with 3 unique skills!

There is also a mid-server competition in the Mini-game “Easter Bunny”!
TOP-10 best players among all servers that score the most points in a mini-game will receive valuable prizes, and TOP-5 Orders among all servers will have the opportunity to win +1 Order skill points.

Updated artifacts have appeared in the game, a basket with eggs, pussy willow, a chocolate bunny Easter cake. Such artifacts can be found for research in locations. The best players who collect the largest number of Easter artifacts will receive valuable prizes at the end of the holiday! You can monitor your results in the game statistics (Top).

During the celebration, a new soldier will appear in the game - the Heavy Crossbowman and the Bulgarian Rider. A soldier can be obtained for a mini-game, purchased or received as a gift. The soldier will serve until the summer, after which it will automatically retire. The exact time of the disappearance can be seen when pointing your mouse over the soldier in the tavern.

https://1100ad.com/sliders/f517d5e931bc384bc6158f3c7a313ec0.gif?v21 The Easter Bunny came from German folk legends. In Germany, for Easter, children traditionally left nests, which they usually made from hats, and waited for colorful eggs as a present. In different lands different animals did it: for example, in Hesse a fox did it, and in Bavaria there is a cuckoo. Over time, the hare supplanted other fabulous animals and established itself in this symbolic meaning in all German-speaking countries.

And we offer you to collect a collection of Easter eggs scattered by the Easter Bunny and get valuable prizes!

Now the details!
In all temporary locations for research and for completing special quests, you can get a Simple collection chest. You can also purchase a Premium Collection Chest. It is important to know that simple collectible chests, unlike premium ones, cannot be transferred to another player.

Open chests in a special tab "Collection".
In chests there are 2 Easter eggs and a pleasant bonus in the form of gold, diamonds and other bonuses pleasant to the player’s heart. These eggs are not simple, the Easter bunny carefully hidden them! Together there are 5 levels of eggs.
Collecting them, you fill out a special album.

If you do not have enough eggs to complete the collection, you can create them. To do this, you need to break the eggs into the essence, through the menu.
Do not be afraid to break them, once they drop out, the egg will remain in the collection, only repeated/extra eggs are subject to breaking!

Having sprayed the eggs, go to the Collider section and try your luck: you can choose the level of the created egg, and also, by paying gold, increase the chance of a rarer egg falling out.

Collecting eggs through the collider can still fail.

You can switch the type of egg being created or try to create this level again.

If you need an egg, which is definitely not in your collection yet, use the runes that can be found by exploring some locations.

For each level of the collection there is its own rune. Be careful!

But remember: the amount runes you can use to create eggs is limited to 10, so use them wisely to create the most needed ones.
If during the creation, the creation was unsuccessful, then the rune, gold and essence will be spent, but the attempt will not be counted.

Empress Matilda's bracelet and winter residence level
In the forge you can find a new unique jewelry - Bracelet
Using this jewelry will increase the level of a winter residence by +1 level

New buildings Cistern and Holy Rosary Basilica
Introducing two new buildings - cistern and the Holy Rosary Basilica. These buildings will increase not only the rating of your city, but will also bring pleasant bonuses.
Drafts for these buildings can be found in the Sweet House

History reference
The tank (lat. Cisterna, from other lat. Cista - box, as well as other Greek. Κίστη [Kiste] - basket) is a closed storage (tank), originally for liquids, and now for bulk solids. Known in biblical and ancient times.
The Basilica of the Holy Rosary (French Basilique Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire) is a Catholic church in the city of Lourdes, France, one of the main parts of the sanctuary in Lourdes. It has the honorary status of a small basilica dedicated to the veneration of the Holy Rosary. Together with the basilica of the Immaculate Conception, a crypt, and several chapels located above it, a single architectural complex is erected above the Masabiel cave, where, according to the Catholic Church, the phenomena of the Virgin Mary took place in 1858. Place of the Catholic pilgrimage.

New workshop level and new technology
The workshop received +5 new levels. At the 35th workshop level, hiring a new type of equipment will be available - Caroballists. This is a fairly powerful technique, the appearance of which on the battlefield causes fear in the enemy and for good reason!

Do not miss the holiday events in the game:
1. April 12 in honor of the Catholic Easter.
2. April 19 in honor of the Orthodox Easter.

Do not miss the opportunity to build locations and raise the levels of castles or draft buildings at a discount!

The level of the Obelisk and fountains, above level 100 and 20, respectively, can now be raised for VIP drafts.

NB! EPIC server switched off for few weeks - to give time for all rebuildings!
Topic is closed!