on: 06 Apr 2020 [17:00]
Time to climb on new mountains and acquire new friends!
Time for Great Migration!

Server Balcanica - is a prominent representative of the PVP server. The absence of alliances and defensive contours, the presence of pro-tactics and special units - makes the server dangerous and is suitable for strong-minded people and real tactics.
Server Romanica - is a vivid representative of the PVE server. The absence of wars and the unhurried rhythm of the server, the usual units with the usual settings - makes the server calm, and all active actions take place in neutral objects, which is suitable for players who are in no hurry and are not ready to lose their game property.

Each player at the entrance to the server receives a special city with a castle, the level of which is determined by the level of development of their mercenary, population, equipment, ship points, etc. from the server from which the player goes. The higher your personal points on the current battle server, the higher the level of the castle you will receive on the new server.
All points received from this city are personal and are not shared between members of the order.
The city that players receive is special: it cannot be captured, it cannot be abandoned, it is a port and historical by default.

General conditions for both servers:
-The city possession point limit on the server is 5. The rest of the points can be added only using crowns. But the rule of a one-time use of each crown is saved. Thus, taking into account the existing crowns, the maximum number of cities available is 12.
- Also the limit of location possession and mercenary possession points in the amount of 330 and 300 points, respectively is set.
- The limit of heroes is set to 30.
- all available artifacts are moving to new servers

The remaining server nuances will be published on the day of the transition.

There is very little time left before the transition, therefore and as we promised, we are providing new server details.

Let's start with PVP - Balcanica
The player entering the server, himself determines the nation for which he will fight, which will identify his friends and opponents. All nations among themselves are in a war. And knights in the Order are recruited from players of one nation. It’s important!
On the server, each player at the entrance selects a unique unit, which he will hire in the fountain for mercenary points or in the barracks in the special tab for the population.
The increase in the number of special units depends on the number of historical cities the player owns, the number of fortresses, as well as the order skill level for a certain type of units.
Heroes' resurrection time after their death is 30 minutes.
Siege modes for all types of attacks are enabled: cities, fortresses, mercenary locations, and population locations.
Despite the limit of mercenary and location possession points, the construction of locations is not available on the server. Therefore, in order to hire units from fountains, it is necessary to capture locations that will be added to the server randomly.
Pro-tactics mode is on. This means that all units (except for rare exceptions) received additional coefficients that increase or decrease attack and defense on a certain type of soil. See what's under your feet and win!
Especially for this server in the castle, you can permanently hire Mamluk and Elite shooter.
New artifacts are available for crafting at the forges. Lighter levels - in the city forge and the most powerful, giving a significant advantage in battle - in a special fortress forge.
Reworked some types of units. Most changes were received by units owning a spear and an ax.
Changed the cost of all units without changing their attack and defense parameters.
It is forbidden to change the soil in the valley, now it is impossible to demolish, plant forests, mountains or install walls.
The complete lack of diplomacy. Your ally is only a knight of your order. Players of one nation are in permanent neutrality.
No change of nations.
The order has a maximum number of knights equal to - 25. Keep this in mind when recruiting knights in an order.
Fortresses open automatically once a week, but this feature will be available later on. The waiting time between siege stages has been changed from 18 hours to 24 hours.
By purchasing a promo, you will receive the offer of exclusively the value that is purchased.
Artifacts can only be activated in your own cities and locations, as well as in allied cities. If you went to the neutral or to the player with an attack, without activating the artifacts, it could be a fatal mistake.
Removing artifacts is only possible in your own cities.
It is impossible to destroy a building or lower its level at a place that is under a siege or an enemy (marauder) is in it.
You can’t go on vacation if your location is under a siege.

PVE - Romanica
The player entering the server, himself determines the nation for which he will fight.
All nations among themselves are neutral.
On the server, each player at the entrance chooses a specialization from 4 presented: Warrior, Archer, Healer or Alchemist. This will determine his skills.
Experience for killing mobs is given only up to 7th level of development, higher - only for killing player units.
Heroes' resurrection time after their death is 5 minutes.
Direct captures.
On the server, only part of the locations for construction are available through the outpost: the barbarian fort, and if there are permissions: farms, towns, villages, Livonian castle, Visborg and forest camps. To hire the remaining units from the fountains, you need to capture locations that will be added to the server randomly.
There is no pro-tactics mode. This means that all units are equally effective on any ground, which greatly facilitates the game for inexperienced players in combat strategies.
New artifacts are available for crafting at the forges. Lighter levels - in the city forge and the most powerful, giving a significant advantage in battle - in a special fortress forge.
Changed the cost of all units without changing their attack and defense parameters.
Units have the same attack delay of 40 seconds.
The complete lack of diplomacy. Your ally is only a knight of your order. Players are in permanent neutrality.
No change of nations.
The order has a maximum number of knights equal to - 25. Keep this in mind when recruiting knights in an order.
Fortresses are opened by players, but this function will be available later on.
By purchasing a promo, you will receive the offer of exclusively the value that is purchased.
It is impossible to destroy a building or lower its level at a place that is under a siege or an enemy (marauder) is in it.
You can’t go on vacation if your location is under a siege.
Entity introduced - EQUIPMENT. For each specialty it’s own. Equipment can be found for the exploration of temporary locations. The use of equipment occurs in 2 stages. First, you need to transfer the artifact to the equipment from the treasury of the castle through a special menu, and then apply it to the character in a separate tab of the Skill Tree. You can also watch your (or change) o