on: 19 Sep 2019 [19:02]
updated: 01 Oct 2019 [14:24]
The annual autumn beer festival begins - Oktoberfest!

Some facts about Oktoberfest:
The event started in 1810 and at that time it took place during one week of October. Along the years, it was extended and the starting date was changed to September because the weather is warmer and more pleasing.
Munich beer is considered one of the best beers in the world and according to the Bavarian Purity Requirements there are only 3 ingredients used in the brewing process: water, barley and hops.
In 200 years, Oktoberfest has only been cancelled 24 times. The causes were mostly due to the war and cholera epidemics.
Locals don’t call it Oktoberfest. Instead, they call it the “Wies’n”, after the Theresenwiese field where Oktoberfest is held each year.

In honor of the holiday from 19.09.2018 and until 03.10.2018 new items, competitions, discounts and hot offers are waiting for you!

In all cities outside the contour, where there is a landscape of sand or grass, barrels of beer will appear. Such buildings can be examined and you will be able to receive from 2 to 15 (for level) ancient coins.
The number of collected coins can be seen in the statistics, where Top-10 of the best and most active collectors of coins will receive valuable prizes at the end of the holiday.
Collected ancient coins can be exchanged in the exchanger through the store menu.

For each player and each Order, statistics are collected and, at the end of the holidays, the TOP-10 best players and TOP-10 best Orders * will receive valuable prizes.
* In the TOP among the Orders prizes will be given to all the Knights of the Order.

The holiday is about to come and it's time to get ready for a feast with your friends around festive table! To complete the task, you need to collect special artifacts that can be obtained for exploring temporary locations. Obtained artifacts need to be inserted into appropriate slots in the mini game. When all parts are in their places, the player receives the specified reward. The list of awards can be changed for gold.

For each player, statistics are kept about how many festive tables have been laid. At the end of the holidays, the TOP 10 best players will receive a prize. Your place in the top you can see in the TOP statistics.

In the Mini game "Oktoberfest" there is also a mid-server contest!
TOP-20 best players among all the servers that will score the most points in the mini-game will receive valuable prizes.

Brewery can be upgraded +2 levels! The scrolls for these levels you need to find in Mystery mine and in Burned Village. In the brewery you can find you can find new receipts for dark beer and Cherry Porter. Ingredients for these receipts you can get from mobs in temporary locations. But you should not take drinks at the same time, and your soldiers may be uncontrollable.

Collect your best heroes and send them to the battle for the victory! The more you win, the more points, and therefore the more valuable prizes you can get. At the end of the holiday, the best TOP-10 fighters will be awarded prizes. You can see your statistics in the annals. The limit for attack and health is 15000.

During the holidays in the game store you can find items at low prices, as well as the following discounts:
- 50% for the transfer of artifacts;
- 50% for refusal of the city;
- 40% for the purchase of vassal points and points of possession of locations;
- 40% for the construction of tunnels;
- 30% for the construction of all mercenary camps;
- 30% for the construction of the fort and walls in the valley;
- 30% for the purchase of items in the store.

1. Obelisk can be upgraded to 20 more levels;