Not so long ago, the goddess Eris created atrocities in the expanses of Outremer, having stolen the Book of Peace, she brought chaos to the world. Through the efforts of the brave knights, it was possible to return the book to people and peace and quiet came. However, the goddess did not calm down and prepared a new trick.
She stole Dragon armor. Armor that gives incredible power to its owner.

Chain-mail, Gauntlets, Helmet and Dragon Sword - the power of these artifacts gathered together is unlimited.
To avoid falling into one hand, armor was hidden in different parts of the world. However, Eris would not have been Eris if she had not been able to get them by her cunning.
Hundreds of brave treasure seekers rushed into the domain of the goddess to take possession of them, in a desperate attempt to take over everything or try to grab at least a piece.
But no less dangerous will be the journey of other knights who decide to end the kingdom of Eris and capture its capital - TARTAR! This city nourishes the goddess with its walls, giving it strength and influence on ordinary people and ruthless mercenaries.
Now the choice is yours!
Think everything is so simple?
The game begins!
To make it more interesting I’ll talk about prizes
1. Captured objects, including unique ones, remain with the players.
2. Artifacts obtained during the competition - remain with the players
3. The heroine Eris. The owner of the unique gift of seeing 2 steps further than the mere mortal, gold, diamonds, personal development points will go to every knight who completed the task
Goddess is strong with her charms sow discord and chaos even between friends. Therefore:
1. Players perform task on its own (no one help him).
2. There are 3 attempts to complete the assignment. They can be performed by the player himself or 2nd and 3rd attempt can be transfer to the authorized knights of your order
3. If the Order can not capture any of the mercenary camps for this assignment, they are waiting for the appearance of a bridge that will give them access to the second task.
4. The bridge appears after the task is completed.
5. If a player of Order B enters the mercenary camp, which captures by Order A, then the person who leaves the camp automatically recognizes as killed. In this case, if there was no battle between the players, then the order of the player who left the location receives - (minus) 1 point. And if the order will capture a different location and get a point, it will be automatically canceled.
6. You can bring reinforcements, but keep in mind that in total you in the location can not exceed established limit.
7. The player who fell during the battle has the right to enter the location (this or any other on the task) not earlier than in 10 minutes. The same rule applies also in the event that instead of the fallen player is his order knight.
8. If order will violate rules it will:
a) the first non-serious violation - a warning
b) second non-serious violation - minus 1 point of the task
c) third non-serious violation - exclusion of the order from the competition
d) the first serious violation - minus 1 point of the task
e) the second serious violation is the exclusion of the order from the competition
Non-serious violations
Arrival into location for the task with violation of the limits or the composition of the units, but corrected at the entrance. For example, sending back or killing surplus units. If the violation did not lead to a military advantage.
Time violation between attempts. If the violation did not lead to a military advantage. For example, if there was no player in the location, or the player managed to bring reinforcements after the previous battle.
Serious violations
Ignoring the rules for a single task. Simultaneous execution of the task by 2 or more players of the same order
Time violation between attempts. For example catching the reinforcement drive of the "wounded" player.
Avoiding battles between "allies" in case of meetings in task locations.
Inactivity. For example, not joining the fight for the location, but simply waiting for the appearance of the bridge.
Ignoring the established limits that led to the draining of players from other teams.
For serious violations the punishment for players will be at the discretion of the administration.
1. For capturing objects, you must have free MP, PP or PCP.
2. For robbery, you need at least 1 hero with the "Robbery" skill, which will be the main one in the army. Ideally 3 masters of robbery must have, otherwise the Book of Peace will not return you
3. A task is considered fulfilled if the order has captured any object on the task. Standing - without capture is not considered.
4. After completing the task, it is forbidden to visit other objects, even if there are still neutral.
5. If you came to the object on the task "capture", without having the necessary points, then you can leave the location only with loss of attempt.
6. To compete the task you have 36 hours since the publication of the task on the forum (keep in mind that the time on the forum is indicated by Riga, and not by the server).
Attention some features of the task through the city siege
1. One order may besiege all objects, so that in case of failure of one attempt, do not waste time on the siege.
2. Also objects can be siege by those knights who can perform the task after the death of the main participant.
3. The siege is carried out by the same rules as the capture. If you were killed in a siege - this is a minus one attempt.
4. After a siege, the player may leave the object while waiting.