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Ho-ho-ho! Dear Knights and ladies! Soon will be holidays that we all are impatiently waiting - the New Year This is a magical time when all our wishes and dreams become true. And of course, it would be great to get from Santa Claus welcomed gift. But you need to tell about your wishes to Santa Claus to receive help from him. The most simple and reliable - this is to write a letter to Santa Claus to their wishes. And then for sure - your wish will be granted! So I suggest you write a letter to Santa Claus in the contest, which will be held from December 25, 2018 till January 6, 2019. THE TERMS OF PARTICIPATION To participate in the competition is enough to write a letter in this topic of the forum. The letter can be done in the form of prose, poetry, graphics card or the original video with link to youtube. Letters must be written from the heart and a good mood. And, of course they must be written by yourself. It is not allowed to write off from the Internet. Photos and drawings are welcome. Evaluation criteria: Originality, creativity and sense of humor. Stages of the competition: - Start point of receiving letters is 25 of Decenber 2018 (inclusive) - The deadline is 6-th of January 2019 (inclusive) PRIZES: The most original (1-2) letters to Santa Claus, I will personally choose. And Snow Maiden will help me. The most original (1-2) letters that we will choose will receive a prize - 1 population location points, 2019 game gold, 2019 diamonds and hero with an New Year's set of artifacts. And nice gifts are expecting 3 autors of letters that Snow Maiden will like the most. 2000 game gold, 2000 diamonds and hero with an New Year's set of artifacts. Incentive prize to all participants - 555 gold, 555 diamonds and with a set of artifacts. And that is not all! New contest "Letter to Santa Claus" gives you an opportunity to ask Santa Claus execution cherished dreams. |
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on: 25 Dec 2018 [02:38]
on: 25 Dec 2018 [07:40]
updated: 10 Jan 2019 [19:29]
Здравствуйте, Дедушка Мороз и красавица Снегурочка! В эту Рождественскую ночь я написал вот такую картину - http://joxi.ru/RmzoDn4u0B00V2
Дедушка Мороз, сделай пожалуйста так, чтоб все люди даже в самый сильный холод всегда чувствовали тепло и радовались жизни! |
on: 25 Dec 2018 [07:55]
on: 26 Dec 2018 [04:44]
updated: 26 Dec 2018 [04:52]
Dear Santa and Snow Maiden !
I live in Livonian Order, I wish to always stand over luck border. Writing this im not sober , and there is a cigarette in my hand because i'm heavy smoker. 100 Mercenary points would make me happy, I just kidding like i would be joker. But if i wasn't would you give me them ? If yes then give me some gold with them ! I wish for some Mercenary points (rightnow i have 73 ) and some gold (as much i can get ) . (I woud like to have it on Livonian order) P.S. Happy new year Santa , Snow Maiden and 1100AD team ! |
on: 04 Jan 2019 [22:38]
Petit Papa Noel,
Mon prénom , et je suis un enfant très sage. Pas toujours, toujours, mais souvent. En tout cas, je fais beaucoup d’efforts. Enfin c'est-à-dire que j’essaye. Je pense que tu devines pourquoi je t’écris. C’est pour te dire les cadeaux que je voudrais pour Noel. J’ai trouvé des catalogues gratuits dans ma boîte aux lettres, ce qui m’a permis de faire facilement la liste. Dans les catalogues il y avait les prix, alors j’ai essayé de choisir des cadeaux pas trop chers. Demande à tes lutins de ne pas oublier les piles électriques, car c’est toujours énervant de recevoir un cadeau et de ne pas pouvoir l’essayer parce que l’on n’a pas de piles. Si tu as des questions, n’hésite pas à laisser un mot prêt de la cheminée. A bientôt, ne prends pas froid. |
on: 10 Jan 2019 [19:45]
updated: 10 Jan 2019 [19:46]
on: 11 Jan 2019 [06:29]
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