on: 07 Dec 2018 [14:02]
Unfortunately, Halloween and its deals came to an end. But Black Friday is ahead - time for sales and big discounts!
Stock up on coins - and exchange them for valuable prizes!
Remember that up to 29.11 transfers of rare and valuable artifacts is still open!
Hurry up to take advantage of this and strengthen your armies.
For the most persistent we announce a contest till 6th of December!
In all cities outside the contour, where there is a landscape of sand or grass, gift houses will appear.
Such houses can be researched and you will be able to obtain from 1 to 9 ancient coins per level as well as rare chests.
Remember that in multi-level locations, the location research time is longer, but the number of coins (and chests) is BIGGER!

The number of player collected coins can be seen in the statistics, where the top 10 best and most active coin collectors will receive valuable prizes at the end of the holiday.
Collected ancient coins can be exchanged in the exchanger through the store menu.
For each player and for each Order, statistics on collecting coins is kept and at the end of the holidays TOP 10 best players and TOP 10 best Orders * will receive valuable prizes.
The main prize this year for players is brewery drafts, + population points and 50% to the library, and for the TOP-3 Order, Order skill points (ask in technical support).
1st-3rd place: +1 point to any of the Order skills to choose from.
* In the TOP among Orders, all knights of the Order will receive prizes.

Mid-server competition for individual players!
List of awards for mid server competition:
For the individual competition, the top 20 best players will be awarded. Each of the winners will receive a special prize city complete with +1 OVG, as well as artifacts, soldiers, tokens and much more!
Top statistics for mid server competition can be viewed on the game portal.

Other changes in the game:
1. Converting a farm into a settlement and a settlement into a village is now for the full cost.
2. Improved bonuses from the flags of the nations.