on: 15 May 2018 [16:09]
updated: 17 May 2018 [17:57]
We congratulate all the winners by awarding them the wonderful prizes!

Interserver Contest results:
1. category - up to 30 players at Order
1 RuslanKn СПАРТАК 8587 bohemia
2 seriom PInguin and Co 5165 goldrush
3 kornelios Regno di Sicilia 4995 outremer
4 1869haxe Die Schwarze Witwen 4994 bohemia
5 dhougham Guildfordian Order of Knights 4955 outremer
2. category - more than 30 players at Order
1 BlinX Legends 7502 beta
2 gas110 SnowDog 7286 beta
3 Silverskin Deichbrand 7163 grail
4 Danisimo Never Ends Story 6705 beta
5 BabaY_aga Steppe Wolves Orda 6021 eurasia

+ top 10 individual winners:
1 Odion 525 outremer
2 Odion 524 bohemia
3 Eloera 524 beta
4 potter66 524 beta
5 CKompany 523 grail
6 gas110 522 beta
7 A_M_B_R_O_Z 521 aragon
8 almatinets 521 eurasia
9 Baumarktman 520 grail
10 Felmin 519 koryo

You can find the list of winners for each server in the corresponding server thread; we have collected the links to those topics here for your convenience:

Aragon - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36549
Beta - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36553
Bohemia - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36550
Eldorado - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36544
Eurasia - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36543
Gold Rush -http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36541
Grail - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36552
Koryo - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36548
Livonian - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36551
Midgard - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36542
Nanban - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36554
Outremer -http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36547
Isla Grande - http://www2.1100ad.com/ru/forum/view/36545

(:s33:)Please write to our Support Team in order to collect Order skills

(:s33:)Dear players! We bring to your attention that the bonus points of the Order's skills can be increased no more than 10 points from their maximum level. With the exception of seats in the Order, which can only be increased by 5 points above the maximum level set for this server.
Check full limit list here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J4_LmxctpyqNGEJVcDvR4qKeniAHhSgoRN0B8ZMm17M/edit#gid=0