on: 24 Dec 2017 [16:46]
updated: 24 Dec 2018 [17:32]
Dear Knights and ladies!

Soon will be holidays that we all are impatiently waiting - the New Year
This is a magical time when all our wishes and dreams become true.
And of course, it would be great to get from Santa Claus welcomed gift. But you need to tell about your wishes to Santa Claus to receive help from him.
The most simple and reliable - this is to write a letter to Santa Claus to their wishes. And then for sure - your wish will be granted!
So I suggest you write a letter to Santa Claus in the contest, which will be held from December 25, 2017 till January 6, 2018.

To participate in the competition is enough to write a letter in this topic of the forum.
The letter can be done in the form of prose, poetry, graphics card or the original video with link to youtube.

Letters must be written from the heart and a good mood. And, of course they must be written by yourself. It is not allowed to write off from the Internet. Photos and drawings are welcome.

Evaluation criteria: Originality, creativity and sense of humor.

Stages of the competition:
1. Start point of receiving letters is 25 of Decenber 2017 (inclusive)
2. The deadline is 6-th of January 2018 (inclusive)
3. Summary 07/01/2018
4. Announcement of the winners - January 8, 2018. Presentation of prizes within 7 days.

The most original letter to Santa Claus, I will personally choose. And Snow Maiden will help me.
The most original letter that we will choose will receive a prize - 1 point for mercenary camp, 2018 game gold, 2018 diamonds and hero with an New Year's set of artifacts.

And nice gifts are expecting 2 autors of letters that Snow Maiden will like the most.
1100 game gold, 1100 diamonds and hero with an New Year's set of artifacts.

Incentive prize to all participants - 500 gold, 500 diamonds and with a set of artifacts.

And that is not all! New contest "Letter to Santa Claus" gives you an opportunity to ask Santa Claus execution cherished dreams.
on: 25 Dec 2017 [15:37]
Lieber guter Weihnachtsmann sieh doch mal den Addy an , der rennt und rennt so das ihn jeder kennt! Mein Wunsch fürs neue Jahr,1 Stadtpunkt wäre wunderbar ! Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten rutsch ins neue Jahr wünscht der Addy ist doch klar , allen Mitspielern und Machern dieses Spiels !!! MFG Addy1226 (:s18:)
on: 25 Dec 2017 [15:48]
Lieber guter Weihnachtsmann.

Habe keine großer wünsche , bin mit einen kleinen Geschenk zufrieden .
Mache es lieber das das schöne Spiel endlich mal fehler frei läuft, immer stecken sooo viele fehler da drin.

Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten rutsch ins neue Jahr18 wünscht der Adler01
on: 26 Dec 2017 [03:48]
updated: 26 Dec 2017 [15:25]


Great Santa claus
The days are shorter, the freezing cold puts the survival of my
people at risk.
I fear for the enduring darkness that brings darkness and death along with it. The winter solstice represents the darkness, the victory of death over life and therefore the expansion of ourenemies.

For all this we make our offering.
At the feet of this beautiful tree that remains green in the face of so much cold, we light the great fire and we gather the whole town, its people, with plenty of drinks and food in your honor. And as proof of our true appreciation, I am the supreme leader of my people, i dress the skin of the great White Bear, the most feared among all animals, hunted by me in the darkness of the cold and freezing night as proof of our merit.

May our effort and bravery keep us on the path from light,
May the luminous sun of every day return with its splendor
overlapping the darkness and blinding my enemies.
Let the abundance sprout from the blessed land,bringing also more
gold and riches.
Let the red of the blood of the skin that i dress
turn into victoryover our enemies.
May the light, the life and the supremacy of my people return.



Grande Papai Noel

Os dias estão mais curtos, o frio congelante coloca em risco a sobrevivência de meu povo.
Temo pela escuridão duradoura que trás as trevas e
junto com ela a morte.
O solstício de inverno representa a vitória da morte sobre a vida e portanto a expansão de nossos inimigos.

Por tudo isso fazemos nossa oferenda.

Aos pés dessa bela árvore que se mantém verde mesmo
diante de tanto frio acendemos a grande fogueira
e nos reunimos o povo todo, o seu povo, com fartura
de bebidas e comidas em tua homenagem. E Como
prova de nosso verdadeiro apreço eis que eu o líder
supremo do meu povo visto a pele do grande Urso branco,
o mais temido entre todos os animais, caçado por mim
na escuridão da noite fria e congelante como prova
do nosso merecimento.

Que nosso esforço e bravura nos mantenha no caminho
da luz,
Que o iluminado Sol de cada dia, retorne com seu
esplendor sobrepondo a escuridão e cegando
meus inimigos.
Que a fartura brote da terra abençoada, trazendo
também mais ouro e riquezas.

Que o vermelho do sangue da pele que visto
se transforme em vitória sobre nossos inimigos.

Que volte a luz, a vida e a supremacia do meu

Reino LivonianOrder
on: 28 Dec 2017 [23:30]
Dear Santa

I don't wish for much in this world as I get older. I wish for health and a life with a means. I wish health for my niece's and nephews and other young people that have to deal with a world we leave them because we can not seem to understand that we are all basically the same no matter race, creed, color, sex or origin . I wake, brush my teeth, have breakfast and go to work when I have work. I come home, tell my lady I love her and pet the cat. I have dinner and either watch TV or play 1100ad. We all do this. So what I ask, I know you can not bring me but if a few folks read this and try a bit harder to find common ground and understand each other no matter where they are from or their beliefs and customs then we can improve !!

Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus and thank you for making so many children happy throughout the world no matter child was or where they came from and for doing this for so many centuries. Maybe as adults we can once again relive that moment when the heart of our childhood can once again be forth and shared with others as children do !!
on: 29 Dec 2017 [02:10]
updated: 29 Dec 2017 [02:11]
Hello My Old Friend,

For Christmas I wish for my children all the success in the world . Merry Christmas to all and a safe happy new year.
on: 31 Dec 2017 [19:56]
updated: 07 Jan 2018 [12:50]
querido santa claus: ...
Removed! Violation of the rules of communication on the forum.
dear santa claus: ... (:s25:)(:s3:)(:s16:)
Removed! Violation of the rules of communication on the forum.
on: 31 Dec 2017 [20:52]
Dear Santa!

I don`t want much presents, but I very want to this Chrismas very big chrismas tree! Who is very biutful! And I wish health for my family and me! Too I wish evryone to be intresting new 2018 year!
on: 01 Jan 2018 [11:27]
hello santa!
new year is here and my determination is to quit smoking, my trhird day so far. think i will do well whit that but what i need is a help ins studies! yes math is pretty hard(or iam lazy person?) just hit me with math book so i can do my soon coming exams well. thanks!(:s1:)
on: 02 Jan 2018 [22:17]
updated: 02 Jan 2018 [22:17]
Dear Santa

For Christmas I don't want much presents! I only want to better at studies and get better grades. Sure for Christmas I want big Christmas Tree, where I can put much ornaments! I wish too for my family good health. And everybody I wish good this new year!

And everybody 1100ad gamers I wish to still be cool gamers at 1100ad!!!!
Don't miss moderators, still be active and cool!


Sorry guys this is orginal text! I don't know how to edit my onother text!(:s8:)(:s9:)
on: 04 Jan 2018 [16:21]

Koryo - Rise of Empire

Tu voudras bien m’excuser de te déranger pendant ce mois de décembre pendant lequel, comme dit mon Papa, tu dois être surbooké.
En plus, avec la crise, les papas

et les mamans n’ont plus d’argent pour acheter des jouets (j’en sais quelque chose), alors ils répondent aux enfants sages comme moi, que le Père Noel apportera encore plus de cadeaux.

Je voulais donc te parler d’une affaire qui me préoccupe et qui me parait très importante : Mes cadeaux de Noel.

Il est possible que mes parents t’aient déjà écrit pour te demander de m’apporter des livres. J’aime beaucoup les livres, mais pour Noel j’aime bien aussi avoir des jouets.

Mais attention, pas n’importe quel jouet. Il faut des jouets solides à cause de mon petit frère qui me les casse trop souvent. J’aime bien mon petit frère mais, malgré ses 3 ans et demi, il manque de maturité.

Voici donc la liste de mes jouets pour Noel. Tu peux en choisir quelques uns, mais si tu as de la place dans ton monospace (je sais bien que tu n’as plus de traîneau), tu peux tous me les amener.

Ne sois pas en retard le 24 décembre,

Un gros bisou,
on: 06 Jan 2018 [02:00]
Dear Santa!
All my life since childhood I dreamed about travels. Now I am adult and can travel and I do this.
This is Christmas in small Austrian village in Alps, I was there

Then few days later I selebrated New Year in Riga, capital of Latvia
first minutes of 2018 year in Riga

I like traveling but it requires considerable amountofmoney beacauseI want to travel with comfort.

Dear Santa, please be so kind and send me money! I will be very glad if you send me gold in the game too.

Big hugs,
New Beta server

sorry but I forgot how to put pictures correctly (:s7:)
on: 07 Jan 2018 [13:07]
Dear Knights and ladies!

Addy1226, Adler01, markedwards2, kendosmurf, MR_Captain, GenesFora, MR_Captain

Remind the server for delivery of gifts.
on: 14 Jan 2018 [14:11]
updated: 15 Jan 2018 [13:11]
Thanks to all players for nice, sincere and remarkable congratulations!!

The most original letter to Santa Claus: jhernesy0001 (:s11:)(:s22:)

Letters which Snow Maiden will like the most: markedwards2, arburua (:s38:)

The letters in the form of poetry: Veranda, Addy1226, Adler01, kendosmurf, MR_Captain, GenesFora
on: 15 Jan 2018 [15:36]
1100ad.com Thanks (:s11:)

Award: LivonianOrder Server