on: 22 Dec 2017 [00:56]

No era is more beautiful than the times of the reign of just kings and valiant knights, when residents can raise children, do their favorite things and look to the future with their heads held high.
But came the gloomy and cruel times of internecine wars, full of anarchy and chaos. The rulers turned into bloody dictators, and the people have nothing left to do but believe in a happy future.
There is a legend in which it is said that all misfortunes and troubles are enclosed in the King's Crown, in which several ancient artifacts are missing, stolen by dark magicians and hidden in temporary locations that appear from time to time in the valley.

Find the ancient artifacts and paste them into the King's Crown.

Necessary artifacts:
Huge ruby - 1
Huge saphire - 1
Flawless emerald - 1
Flawless topaz - 1
Amethyst - 1
Pearl - 1

And now the conditions of competition:
- Logs are accepted only from temporary locations.
- Temporary locations located inside the contour are not accepted!
- Location "secret treasure" will not be considered.
- All battle logs have to be in the above mentioned contest period of time.
- In order to preserve you logs copy them to your computer.
- Attentively check your report before sending!
- Any fraud with logs will lead to disqualification
- Start of task performance: 22.12.2017 , 00-01 hours (server time). Finish 28.12.2017 , 23-59 hours (server time).
- Each player can send only one report, reception will be ended 29.12.2017 , 10-00 hours (server time).

Attention! To draw up your report click on the pencil image:

The more stones you find, the higher your reward.


A set of 6 artifacts: 3500 gold, 2000 diamonds, Great Royal set of artifacts, unique units and resources

A set of 5 artifacts: 2500 gold, 1500 diamonds, Middle Royal set of artifacts, unique units and resources

A set of 4 artifacts: 2000 gold, 1000 diamonds, Small Royal set of artifacts, unique units and resources

A set of 3 artifacts: 1500 gold, 500 diamonds, set of artifacts, unique units and resources

A set of 2 artifacts: 800 gold, 250 diamonds, set of artifacts, unique units and resources

One any artifact: 400 gold, 100 diamonds, set of artifacts, unique units and resources
Topic is closed!