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![]() The expanse of Hell was covered with snow: it powdered trees, buildings, and pinched local water bodies. The air smells of mandarins and magic. Everyone is looking forward to the New Year's miracle and, of course, Santa Claus with a bag of gifts ... However, there are still bad characters in the world. Snow Queen together with mister Frost and Old wicked witch stole from Santa Claus his bags with gifts and concealed them in the palaces of the queen. I suggest to our dear knights and ladies embark on a New Year's adventure and return gifts to Santa Claus Competition rules: On each server hidden 5 fairy-tale castles (Cities have unique name Ice Palace of the Snow Queen), in which valuable artifacts are hidden. The cities will be seaports, but players will have to search for them independently, applying all their experience in this difficult matter. The cities have valuable buildings - a castle, storerooms, repositories of artifacts, a fountain of fame and towers - at the maximum level. In every city there are artifacts from 1 to 5 level on several pieces, but only 1 artifact - Tanzanite in a single copy in each city. In the contest you can: 1. Pull the Tanzanite and get a prize for the find. 2. Collect all 5 Tanzanite and get a special prize. 3. Capture the city - get into the possession of a fabulous city with a pleasant bonus and gold buildings, described in the conditions. Unfortunately, it will be necessary to lose up to 75% of the artifacts in the castle treasury. 4. Just to extract all artefacts from the city - the prize - the artifacts extracted from the city. Limitations: 1.Use unique units (except units of nations) - allowed 2.You can call for help from friends, but the prizes will be given to a player who pulls out Tanzanite or capturer the city. 3.To capture the city you need a free point of the city possession point (CPP). Prize for the findings: 1000 gold, 1000 diamonds, resources, unique units. Prize for 5 extracted Tanzanite: 1 MCPP (mercenary camps possession point) on the server where there are restrictions, or 3 MCPP where there are no restrictions, 5000 gold, 3000 diamonds, 30 Grandmaster skills, a large set of artifacts, resources, unique units. The contest begins at 19/00 server time 15 December and will last until December 30, 2017 (23.59 on the server), inclusive. Logs with the extracted tanzanite and screenshots of the capture of the city - publish this topic on the forum |
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