on: 08 Nov 2017 [11:23]
updated: 16 Nov 2017 [19:12]
We hasten to please everyone that the time of the beautiful Halloween holiday minigame Match 3 is extended until November 16th!

In connection with this joyful event,
we announce an
inter-server competition!

Players who occupy the first positions in the tops on their servers will also participate in the INTERSERVER TOP.
So even if you are on the 1st place of your server, do not stop, the prizes are worthwhile for being fought for!
1. Each player who reaches 12m points will receive bonus city with 10000 population and mercenary points! Each next million points gives +1000 for each bonus
3. Top 3 players of those tops:
    Match Three best player
    Match Three Bomb Bomber
    Match Three Crystal Crasher
    The Best Tricker

will receive special prizes!
on: 08 Nov 2017 [12:19]
1. Каждый игрок, достигший 12-метровых очков, получит бонусный город с населением 10000 человек и наемниками! Каждый следующий миллион очков дает +1000 за каждый бонус
мне так перевело. 12 миллионов я правильно понял?
on: 08 Nov 2017 [18:04]
А почему нет топа Царь Кощей?