on: 03 Jul 2017 [13:44]

We invite all 1100AD landscape architects and game designers, to take part in the contest "Miracles of the World".
Show your talent and skill in creating a unique structure that will be visible not only from a bird's eye view, but even from the highest mountains! Start now to embody all your brilliant ideas in grandiose projects!
Perhaps you have already started construction or you have a plan for its creation!
Then this competition is for you!

Attention: The competition accepts work from a group of players (the Order), and individual players (not in the order). The building must be built not earlier than 2017.
Nicknames of competition winners will be permanently entered in the "Chronicle of 1100AD Records"

Conditions of the competition:

Start of the contest 01.07.2017

IMPORTANT: Participants can take part in all nominations, but receive a prize in only one nomination. The contest structure must be in the possession of the player throughout the competition and immediately after its end. While publishing a screenshot the player must indicate the nickname, server and coordinates of the fort or city-landmark, so that the administration can check it.

The competition will be held twice a year.
Winter competition: from November 1st till March 30th. Summing up during the week.
Summer competition: from April 1st till October 30th. Summing up during the week.
Contest participants should post their report in this forum topic .
Only new works are accepted in the contest, which should not be similar to all your previous works.
To participate in the competition, please specify:
- the name of the category in which you participate.
- name of the server
- your game nickname (if you are a player without the order)
- the name of the order, nicknames of all participants who participated in the construction of the competitive work (if the collective nomination)
- screenshot of your work
- the coordinates of your fort or city-landmark, indicating the belonging of this work to you.

Plagiarism of the works of players who are published in this topic is a violation and disqualification of this work.
Attention: Any fraud leads to disqualification!

A fair and impartial jury in the person of developers will choose the best works in each nomination and reward the winners.

In the contest 2 nominations.
You can get a prize only in one nomination.

Nomination: Contour Miracle of the World.

The competition involves the participation of buildings in the creation of which, in addition to walls and forts can be used lakes, mountains, forests, as well as cities and locations.
Сервер nanban: The competition involves the participation, mountains, forests, as well as cities and locations.
When creating a work, it is necessary to use an existing object: a historical building or structure, sculpture, emblems, historical knight symbolism or inscriptions (except for obscene or political symbols). Be sure to include in the report a link to the screenshot of the original from which you created the "Miracle of the World".
- Have a fantasy, your building should differ from the others not only in scale, original and high-quality design, but also be similar to the screenshot of the original you provided.
- when assessing the work will take into account the size, quality, originality, recognizability
- Сreated work should correspond to the sent screenshot (without visible changes and destruction) at the time of issuing the prize.

1. Collective work.
Works only from players who are in the same order.
There must be at least one city of each knight of your order who took part in the construction in your contour "Miracle of the World".
The prize will be given to all knights who participated in the construction of the contour "Miracle of the World" and are members of the same order at the time the prize was given out.
Participating contest contours have to be easy visible with the maximum scale of the valley map (when continents visible on the valley map).

2. Individual work.
Works only from players who are not in the order.
The size of the work can be any.

Prizes: (:s22:)

1 st place: 5500 gold, 4000 diamonds, a set of artifacts with a unique builder's artifact, resources, unique units.
+ 5500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 4500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)
2 nd place: 4500 gold, 3000 diamonds, a set of artifacts with a unique builder's artifact, resources, unique units
+ 4500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 3500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)
3rd place: 4000 gold, 2000 diamonds, a set of artifacts with a unique builder's artifact, resources, unique units
+ 4000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 3000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)
4 th place: 3500 gold, 1500 diamonds, a set of artifact builder, resources, unique units
+ 3500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 2500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)

Honorable prize: 1100 gold, 1100 diamonds, a set of artifact builder, resources, unique units

Nomination: My contour is my fortress (The most protected contour).

The competition involved buildings built with the help of walls or lakes, mountains or forests, and in the creation of work you can use cities and locations.
- Be creative, your building should be different from others not only in scale, original and high-quality design, but also to protect your city or the cities of the knights of your order as much as possible.
- when assessing the work, quality, originality and security will be taken into account.
- The created work should correspond to the sent screenshot (without visible changes and destruction) at the time of issuing the prize.

1. Collective work.
Works only from players who are in the order.

In your contour- fortress there must be at least one city of each knight of your order who took part in the construction.
The prize is given to all the knights who participated in the construction of the contour-fortress and are in this order at the time the prize was given out.
Participating contest contours have to be easy visible with the maximum scale of the valley map (when continents visible on the valley map).

2. Individual work.
Works only from players who are not in the order.
The size of the work can be any.

Prizes: (:s22:)

1 st place: 7000 gold, 4000 diamonds, a set of artifacts with a unique builder's artifact, resources, unique units.
+ 7000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 6000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)
2 nd place: 6000 gold, 3000 diamonds, a set of artifacts with a unique builder's artifact, resources, unique units
+ 5000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 4000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)
3rd place: 5000 gold, 2000 diamonds, a set of artifacts with a unique builder's artifact, resources, unique units
+ 4000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 3000 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)
4 th place: 4000 gold, 1500 diamonds, a set of artifact builder, resources, unique units
+ 3500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (to the treasury of the Order, teamwork)
+ 2500 gold if your work is easily recognizable (individual work)

Honorable prize: 1100 gold, 1100 diamonds, a set of artifact builder, resources, unique units