Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
This year we celebrate the whole set of May holidays: the Spring Festival and Labor Day (May 1), Restoration of Independence day of Latvia (May 4), Victory Day (May 9)!
May holidays begin on 28.04 and end on 12.05!
In all cities outside of contours, where there is a landscape of sand or grass, there will appear mine houses. Such houses can be investigated and you can get from 1 to 5 ancient coins.
The number of collected coins for each player can be seen in the statistics, where the top-10 of the best and most active collectors of coins will receive valuable prizes at the end of the holiday.
Collected ancient coins can be exchanged in the exchanger through the store menu.
Through the tavern you can take part in the mini-game
"Fight in the tavern."
Collect your best heroes (max life/attack sum should not exceed
200) and send them to battle for victory! The more you win, the more points, and therefore the more valuable prizes you can get. At the end of the holiday, the best fighters will be given prizes.
For each player and each Order, statistics are maintained on collecting coins and drunken brawl, at the end of the holidays,
the TOP-10 best players and TOP-10 best Orders * will receive valuable prizes.
The main prize this year for players
is +1 PPPL (Points of possession of the population locations) and 25% to the library, and for TOP-3 Orders - the skills for the Order (ask in technical support).
1st-3rd place: +1 point to any of the Order's skills on Order choice .
* In the TOP among the Orders prizes will be given to all the Knights of the Order.
During the holidays in the game shop you can find discounts for all units!
On the Nanban server, defenders of neutral locations are calling for additional forces to help.
Limit for population location control points increased to 45. Nanban server limit is set to 35.
P.S.: 1 may, 4 may, and 5 may tech. support have holidays.