on: 08 Apr 2017 [15:06]
updated: 08 Apr 2017 [16:01]
The time of daily contests in the chat.

Hello, dear players!

Since there was a complaint from some players about the time of the competitions, I decided to raise this issue for a general discussion.

At the moment the time of competitions in the chat are:

From 03/04/2017 to 10/29/2017
The first contest - from 22:00 to 01:00 (server time)
The second competition - from 7:00 to 11:00 (server time)
The third contest - from 15:00 to 19:00 (server time)

As far as I understand, the problem is with the evening contest (3rd contest), because many players still work at this time and they can't take a part in the contest.

So, I offer 3 options:

1st option:
Everything stay like it is at the moment.

2nd option:
The first contest - from 22:00 to 01:00 (server time)
The second competition - from 7:00 to 11:00 (server time)
The third contest - from 16:00 to 20:00 (server time)

Move the evening contest to 1 hour later and the duration of the contest is 2 hours.

3rd option:
The first contest - from 22:00 to 01:00 (server time)
The second competition - from 7:00 to 11:00 (server time)
The third contest - from 17:00 to 21:00 (server time)

Move the evening contest to 2 hours later and the duration of the contest is 1 hour.

I think that the 3rd option is the best, because 1 hour for the contest is absolutelly enough. How my experience shows, that usually 3-5 logs are collected in 40 minutes - 1 hour. After that there are no more battle reports. So, this means that the holders of contests are wasting their time.

Remember that the holders of contests are also people with their families and personal affairs. So, please, respect their free time as they respect yours.
on: 08 Apr 2017 [15:55]
updated: 08 Apr 2017 [17:28]
Dejarlo como esta, 1ª opción. con tanto cambio de horario , ya no sabemos ni a que hora ir.
on: 08 Apr 2017 [17:33]
1ª ocion dejar como esta yo muchos de los dias no puedo concursar en 2ª ni 3º y si lo ponen mas tarde tampoco voy a poder en 1ª
un saludo y espero poder seguir concursado no cambien por favor
on: 08 Apr 2017 [18:16]
1st option:
Everything stay like it is at the moment.
Topic is closed!