on: 07 Apr 2017 [10:41]
Can I get notified when the new server is about to launch I wanna start playing at same time as everyone alse, and the only way is to start when new server launches
on: 08 Apr 2017 [01:12]
updated: 08 Apr 2017 [01:20]
There are so many options to learn about such great news:
newspaper (:s30:) http://knightbulletin.com,
social media groups(:s24:)
VKontakte: vk.com/id182669459
Facebook: facebook.com/worldserjsite.
if you continue to play, then 100% You will be informed. If you like the game you can grow strong account even now(:s22:). don't assume that everyone plays alone. This is a collective game with the help of friends you can succeed.

Honor & Luck for You(:s11:)