on: 24 Mar 2017 [18:07]
Top holiday drop
#1 Corsairs 5 961 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#2 Gardiens de la Terre 3 613 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#3 Ghosts University 1 393 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.

Best order in drunken brawl
#1 Gardiens de la Terre 4 549 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#2 Corsairs 3 303 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#3 Ghosts of El Dorado 1 985 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.