Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, My Lords and My Ladies, we congratulate you on such a passionate, tender and sensual lover’s fest - Happy Valentine's Day!
We wish you a strong and sincere love, always be loved and to fight for the love! To celebrate this romantic holiday we have prepared for you a number of special new products!
In the game appear some thematic elements: the rear profile background image has changed, there are goods at a discount in the gift shop, and in locations you will find valentine’s artifacts!

Present gifts to your halves - it's an important tradition of the holiday!

In all cities outside the contour, where there is a landscape of sand or grass, you will find holiday lovers cottages. Such houses can be investigated and you get from 1 to 3 ancient coins.
The number of collected coins by each players can be seen in the statistics. The top 10 of the best and most active collectors of coins will receive valuable prizes at the end of the holiday. The collected ancient coins can be exchanged in the exchanger in the store menu.
For each player and each Order will be available statistics on coins collection and at the end of holidays the top 10 best players and the top 10 best Orders* will receive valuable prizes. The main prize this year for the players - it is one RCP (resource control point), and for the top-3 of the Order - Orders skill points (ask in the support.).
1st-3rd place: + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
* In Orders Top prizes will get all the knights of the Order.
Note: coins exchanger will appear after the holiday.
In the special holiday Taverns tab you can stretch your brains in the mini-game "Three in a row." The best strategists may compete for the title
"Best Heart Breaker"/b] and [b]"Match Three Crystal Crasher". Both have a nomination worthy prizes. Game rules are very simple: It is necessary to collect in a row or column of 3, 4 or 5 identical items. Depending on the amount of collected items, the player gets points. Earn game points and get super prizes!
The more games - the more valuable prizes. At this time in the mini-game appear new combinations, gathering which will give even more points! Anyone can try!
By building in an outpost, you can find the
new location of population, which is in a separate tab. The new location after the construction brings its owner extra population points. Location is only 3 levels and each level gives a 1000 population points. To set the location, you will need:
1) Permission for the construction, which will be issued to all players in honor of the holiday. One permission allows you to build 1 location.
2) Population locations possession points (PLP) can be purchased at the store, at promotional selling, or to win the competition Top. The location additionally provides population points to the Order, which can be divided between knights by the Order Master.
Note: This location is also working as mercenaries location, this means that player can build as many locations as it has a free PLP. Number of PLP can be found in the Menu "Input" in the tab with resources points.
In honor of Valentine's Day we released a new hero Fionnuala. According to the kelt’s mythology, she was the first daughter of Ocean God Lira and Aobh, daughter of the king, who can turn into animals. Therefore Fionnuala is subject to control the beasts as well as water element.
The new hero available in the store at a nice price

For holidays in the game store you can find items at low prices, and will also be subject to the following discounts:
- 80% for the transfer of artifacts;
- 40% on the purchase of vassal points and mercenaries locations control points;
- 30% for the construction of all the camps of mercenaries;
- 30% for the construction of the walls and forts in the valley;
- 30% to create a new city;
- 30% for SMS services;
- 50% improvement of the Order skill "Vassalage";
- 50% improvement of the Order skill "Storage".
- 50% on the refusal of the city.
1. In active campaigns will appear visible timer capture / research
2. Added the ability to receive SMS 24 hours before your heroes will disappear from the tavern
3. Fixed the issue of prizes for daily research for places 11-50
4. All technical units (Cart, Catapult, Ram, Ballista) will require points to build them, which can be obtain in Workshop building.
5. Workshop building can be build only one per city