on: 22 Dec 2016 [15:34]
updated: 01 Jan 2017 [18:38]
How quickly time flies out. Winter has already behind the window, and every minute we close to the most brightest and laud holidays - Christmas and New Year 2017! We invite all players to plunge into the holiday atmosphere, join the winter festivities, spending the outgoing year and celebrate the New Year as it should!

We would like sincerely to wish all our players the very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let the New Year bring you and your family health, happiness, and fulfillment of desires. Let you have in the new year an unforgettable adventure, courageous battles and new friends!

Thanks to all players who have been with us and will be! Thank you for being!

In honor of the upcoming holidays, we have prepared special news and events:

In all cities appear a beautiful Christmas Tree! Every 12 hours this Christmas tree will be lighted up by colored bulbs, which means it's time to pick up a gift! Visit our Christmas tree regularly and enjoy the gifts found! Among gifts you will found - resources, artifacts, unique troops, coins, gold and diamonds.

The Christmas tree, you can find the mini-game "gather three in a row" and to take part of the battle among the best!
Game rules are very simple:
It is necessary to collect in a row or column 3, 4 or 5 identical elements. Depending on the amount of collected items, the player gets points. Earn game points and get super prizes! The more game rounds - the more valuable prizes. At this time in the mini-game, new combinations will appear which give even more points! Anyone can try!

Along with the game we hold a competition for a number of game points in the mini-game! TOP-10 players who have collected the highest number of points at the end of all the events will receive prizes. The list of prizes can be viewed in the rankings (chronicle).

Under the Christmas tree appeared dungeon where hid the snow defenders and protect their treasures! Unlike the usual dungeon this one has only 13 rooms, but opponents much stronger and to get what you want you have to little sweat!

With outposts in the valley, you can build a new object - resource field. Resource field will further produce the kind of resource which it is.
To establish a resource field the player will need one resource control point (RCP). Initially, all players will get 3 points.
To get additional points you can only by taking part in a contests or getting unique offerings.

Resource field can’t be hidden by fog or close in contour, it is also impossible to capture, but it is possible to rob.

The field can be upgraded to level 10. With each new level it will have more resources to produce. In the field you can build the storage and storerooms, thereby increasing the amount of resources storage.

Continuing the already familiar tradition, in all the cities where there is a place with grass or sand landscape appears holiday house - tavern, which is necessary to research in order to get the ancient coins. Ancient coins can be exchanged for exciting products at the Christmas tree.

For each player and each Order will be available statistics on coins collection and at the end of holidays the top 10 best players and the top 10 best Orders* will receive valuable prizes. The main prize this year for the players - it is one RCP (resource control point), and for the top-3 of the Order - Orders skill points (ask in the support.).
1st-3rd place: + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
* In Orders Top prizes will get all the knights of the Order.

We continue to maintain our tradition and this year we offer you the 2 new artifacts:
1) Byzantine crown.. To obtain such an artifact, it is necessary to collect ingredients and make crown in the forge. In addition to the usual ingredients, also required a new ingredient - Precious Enamel, which is available in the locations, mini-game or to buy at the game auction. Crown gives its owner one CCP (city control points) and use it only once.

2) Teutonic Standard.. Such artifact can also be made in the forge from existing components. The artifact will give the player one MLCP (mercenaries locations control points) and use of such artifacts can be only once.

Note: After using any of these artifacts - CCP or MLCP has to be taken in list of Kingdom events.

In the forge you can also can find another new artifact - Christmas Tree. This artifact can be assembled from the constituent ingredients: branches, balls and candies that fall in almost all locations. Using such an artifact the player will receive a gift in the form of the kingdom events. Among the gifts you can find artifacts, soldiers, gold, diamonds, and there is a little chance of getting MLP!

Now the heroes can become even stronger! The characters were more advanced skills – 7, 8 and 9 level! Skills from 7 to 9 levels can be improved only by new specialized artifacts that can be collected in the forge (from 4 to 6 level can be improved by conventional artifacts). Update affected the maritime hero Magnus, who has a new skill maneuvering. New skill increases the protection of ships! Maneuvering Skill and Abordazh also can be improved up to level 9.

Among the buildings in the city have the opportunity to build a new building – Graveyard, where you can sacrifice extra heroes. This opportunity is remarkable because sacrificing hero with improved skills (level 6) you will get a reward for the skills artifacts and artifacts that give attack and life to hero. After the exchange process - the hero is not refundable! These artifacts can be exchanged for new in the forge and used to improve existing heroes.
Note: The opportunity to exchange heroes to artifacts will be available until 11/01/2017 and has a limit to 200 heroes (only 200 heroes can be exchanged). This update does not apply to server Nanban.

Do not miss the festivities in the game:
1. On the night of Catholic Christmas on December 24 at 23:59.
2. In the New Year's Eve 31 December at 23:59.
3. On the night of the Orthodox Christmas on January 6 at 23:59.

For holidays in the game store you can find items at low prices, and will also be subject to the following discounts:
- 80% for the transfer of artifacts;
- 40% on the purchase of vassal points and mercenaries locations control points;
- 30% for the construction of all the camps of mercenaries;
- 30% for the purchase of Premium subscriptions and Baron;
- 30% for the construction of the walls and forts in the valley;
- 30% to create a new city;
- 30% for SMS services;
- 35% improvement of the Order skill "Vassalage";
- 50% improvement of the Order skill "Storage".
- 50% on the refusal of the city.

Also for holiday time mark tower building time reduced to 8h.
Increased limit for lighthouses and artifact buildings in cities.
N.B. Current limits for mercenary points in servers:
GoldRush:150, other servers - without point limit

This year we are also giving away Orders skills! Top 3 Best Orders in the mini-game "A fight in a tavern," will receive a unique prize: + 1 point to any of Order skills on their choose!

In addition to the current changes, the players still expect a small addition in the near future!

Follow news and happy Christmas!
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