on: 10 Dec 2015 [08:40]
updated: 10 Dec 2015 [18:42]
The historical server Koryo begins its history with a blank leaf today. On this revival, the residents of the servers Aquitaine and Facebook are joining it.
Capture new lands, arrange your feuds, divide and conquer!
This server has its technical specificities:
All the units have the same attack delay. We hope very much that this particular modification will help solve the widespread technical problems related to battle hang-ups.
The number of alliances between order masters is limited. Only two orders may be allied now.
The strongholds will be unavailable during the initial period of the server’s life.
There are 10 unique units on this server that are sub-divided in the 2 groups as follows:
- The first group consists of the 5 units each one of which serves a specific nation. Such units can be hired in the Castle and the numbers that a player can hire are limited depending on the number and type(s) of the player’s towns.
- The second group, too, consists of the 5 units for which the players will need to struggle, though. Such units can be hired by capturing a historical city with a unique bonus and building the unique barracks in it. Each unit is associated with the territorial nation to which the town belongs. This mens that a player who belongs to Mongolia can capture a town belonging to Koryo and, in this case, build the unique Koryo barracks in it and hire the unique Koryo unit then.
The units available for hire are limited and will be rather few at the beginning. But don’t worry because the options to get more units available for hire will be coming in and very soon, too.
So, a player who has put enough hard work in the gameplay can have 6 out of the 10 unique units in his or her army in the end.
Good luck and prosperity to you! Long live the Emperor!