on: 01 Oct 2015 [18:49]
I propose a new server for this online game based on forgotten events about Tribalia (kingdom) around the 12th centhury in area between Belgrad and Nikopoles. The Kingdom of Tribalia was between Serbians and Bulgars into a survival competition for territories. His ally was Wallachs. Anyway, Hungary was very interested in the past to conquer over Serbia and for many territories. Bulgars was powerful in the past, but Serbia become a power in balkans after 1200 A.D. A small population from that Tribalia live now in Timok and in Vidin (two different cities).

In this game on this server can be at the beginning those Kingdoms:
1. Bulgarian Tzarate / Empire,
2. Serbia,
3. Tzarate of Tribalia,
4. Hungary,
5. Wallachia.

There are 2 main/important cultures over buildings: (teutonic) and 2. eastern (mongolic) or orthodox.

I could understand that there could be just 2 different graphic possibilities as teutonic and mongolic.

Important: I propose to begin a new server with this varriant/option for the game.