on: 28 Apr 2015 [16:04]
The Changes:

From now on, the player will have the confirmatory pop-ups when hero skills are assigned and distributed.
The graphical design and the crafting window are changed in the Blacksmith’s.
New recipes are added to the Blacksmith’s. The old ones have been modified.
From now on, more and more the ingredients that can be combined into combat artefacts in the Blacksmith’s will be dropping in all permanent and temporary adventure huts.

The Artefact-Related Changes:

The artefact ‘The Ancient Aquila’: the bonus effect time is reduced to 4 hours and the morale bonus is increased from 10% to 20%.
The artefact ‘Wine Barrel’ cannot be used together with the ‘Beer Keg’: for the soldiers would get drunk fast and not be able to keep weapons in their hands therefore.
The artefact ‘The Crown of Aquitaine’: the bonus effect time is extended to 8 hours; the hero level limit is lifted and it is now unusable together with the artefact ‘The Ancient Aquila’.
The artefact ‘The Sceptre of Aquitaine’: the bonus effect time is extended to 8 hours; the attack bonus is increased from 5% to 10% and the hero level limit is lifted.
The artefact ‘The Orb of Aquitaine’: the bonus effect time is extended to 8 hours and the hero level limit is lifted.
The artefact ‘The Slings with Lead Bullets’: they give the 10% bonus to the Horse Archers instead of the ranged bonus now.
The artefact ‘Water from the Hippocrene Source’: the experience gain bonus is increased to 300%
The artefact ‘The Genoese Crossbows’: the bonus will apply to the Mounted Crossbowman especially on Eurasia.
The artefact ‘Heavy Manguday Arrows’: the bonus effect time is increased from 1 hour to 12 hours. Also, on Eurasia, the bonus will apply to the Elite Mongol Archer ‘.
The artefact ‘Heavy Wooden Arrows of Koryo’: the bonus effect time has been increased from 1 hour to 12 hours
The artefact ‘Koto Nodachi’: the bonus effect time is increased from 1 hour to 12 hours; on Eurasia, the bonus will apply to the Heavy Elite Cavalry.

The artefact ‘Hero’s Diary’: the experience gain bonus is increased to 50%.
The artefact ‘Composite Bow’: the bonus now also applies to the Russian Mounted Archers.
The artefact ‘Dark Knights’ Battle-axe’: the bonus now also applies to the Magyar Mercenaries.
The artefact ‘The Holy Bible’: the artefact activation requirements are modified; the experience gain bonus is increased to 20%.
The artefact ‘Hippocrates: On Suffering’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘Vitruvius: On Siege Weapons’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘The Valcrose Sword’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘The Fallen Knights’ Sword’: the artefact activation requirements are modified; the bonus of the artefact now also applies to the Highwaymen.
The artefact ‘The Shield of the Lion’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘The Shield of the Rising Sun’: the artefact activation requirements are modified; the bonus now also applies to the Heavy Elite Cavalry.
The artefact ‘The Spiked Shield’: the artefact activation requirements are modified; the bonus now also applies to the Norman Spearmen.
The artefact ‘Templar’s Shield’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘Teutonic Shield’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘The Beausant Flag’: the artefact activation requirements are modified; also, the artefact now gives the bearing hero +3 life points.
The artefact ‘The Document of the Profess’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘The German Hunting Crossbow’: the artefact activation requirements are modified; the bonus now also applies to the Mounted Crossbowmen (Eurasia)
The artefact ‘Hospitaller’s Shield’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘The Qin Dynasty Flag’: it now gives +4 attack points to the soldiers and applies to the Heavy Elite Cavalry (Eurasia).
The artefact ‘William the Conqueror’s Shield’: its bonus now also applies to the Horsemen.
The artefact ‘Harold Godwinson’s Helmet’: its bonus now also applies to the Elite Archers.
The artefact ‘The Book of Healing’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘The University Diploma’: the artefact activation requirements are modified and the hero experience gain is increased to 100%.
The artefact ‘The Correspondence with the Pope’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
The artefact ‘Historia Calamitatum’: the artefact activation requirements are modified.
on: 28 Apr 2015 [17:17]
on: 28 Apr 2015 [18:25]
I have a question regarding the resource Nodes that appears in the map.
I know that you have to capture the different nodes in the location and link them with an extraction resource building in your cities and that you can also explore the main building inside the nodes location.
But, when trying to link or explore the Tobacco fields, Hunting areas, Cotton fields, Silver mines or Corn fields, nothing comes out of it. Where do these resources go, when linked to an extraction building in a city ? Or why do I get nothing for robbing the main building in these locations ? I think it's even more important now that you added new recipes that uses some of these ingredients. I do not know if it works in other servers but I am experiencing this issue in New World Server. (:s31:)

Please help !
on: 29 Apr 2015 [06:08]
You now added coins in crafting recipies and added new ingredients and our cities can still hold the same low amount of different artifacts. Can you make the Blacksmith accept artifacts from the treasury of any city instead of only from the city the building is inside.

It would be good to add more artifact slots in cities. It should be 2 slots for each level and each slot should hold more than 70 artifacts, at least 100, possibly more.
Topic is closed!