on: 19 Feb 2015 [15:20]
The Festive Week Goes On!

The Fountain of Glory now lets you find the path to the secret treasures by opening the map that consists of 10 fragments.
The special artefact ‘Traveller’s Letter’ is required for opening 1 fragment; you can find the Traveller’s Letter in the temporary adventure huts.
Once the map is open, the hidden hut appears; you can send troops there and explore it. The adventure hut will disappear once the quest is completed.
Only the map’s owner can enter the quest hut.

All players can receive a 20% bonus with each gold purchase!
Bonus will be available starting from 12:00 (server time) 19th of February and will end on 12:00 (server time) 24th of February.

Important: Bonus doesn’t apply to SMS purchases.

1. The merc hut capturing times are changed for the 5-level merc huts as follows:
1 lvl merc hut = 4 hours to capture;
2 lvl merc hut = 6 hours to capture;
3 lvl merc hut = 8 hours to capture;
4 lvl merc hut = 10 hours to capture;
5 lvl merc hut = 12 hours to capture;

2. The merc hut 2-nd lvl capturing times are changed on 8 hours for the server Eurasia.

3. We fixed the error preventing the recruitment of unique units in the lost towns on the servers El Dorado and New World.
on: 22 Feb 2015 [02:51]
I have unlocked the treasure map, and have the right location, and it even give me the time until arrival, but it will not allow me to send the campaign, is there and issue with this new build, or am i doing something wrong?
on: 22 Feb 2015 [21:23]
you should find the EXACT location.
must create a mark in the book marks and appear the name of the city.
then must go directly to the card campaign selecionar his army and put the coordinates.
must go fast, before it is gone and should have time to catch.}
and must have a free city point.
on: 22 Feb 2015 [23:57]
No I am not talking about a Lost City treasure map, I am talking about the new hidden city treasure maps, the one this thread is referring to. There must be some bug that must need working out.
on: 23 Feb 2015 [15:51]
There must be some bug that must need working out.

After the restart you can now send troops to this location.
on: 23 Feb 2015 [16:50]
Yes it now works, thank you.
Topic is closed!