on: 04 Oct 2014 [14:13]
How many Aquataine Relics are there? I have three relics. I dont see where you craft anything in blacksmith.
on: 05 Oct 2014 [20:17]
As far as I know the artifact the artifact can only be crafted on the Aquitaine server. On all other servers, they are just artifacts that boost specific stats.
on: 28 Dec 2023 [15:16]
Quote toddtoad:
How many Aquataine Relics are there? I have three relics. I dont see where you craft anything in blacksmith.

To craft the Chateau Frontenac, you will need to collect all three Aquataine Relics and then bring them to the blacksmith. Once you have all three relics, you will be able to build the Chateau Frontenac. The Chateau Frontenac is a powerful defensive structure that can provide your civilization with a significant advantage in battle (:s1:)

Here are the locations of the Aquataine Relics in 1100 AD:

- Relic 1: This relic can be found in the northwestern part of the map, near the English starting location.
- Relic 2: This relic can be found in the central part of the map, near the French starting location.
- Relic 3: This relic can be found in the southeastern part of the map, near the Byzantine starting location.

To collect a relic, you will need to send a unit to the location where the relic is located. Once your unit reaches the relic, the relic will be added to your inventory. You can then bring the relic to the blacksmith to craft the Chateau Frontenac.