on: 02 Aug 2014 [18:16]
updated: 02 Aug 2014 [18:19]
Dear players!(:s26:)

As you have already know 1100AD got 6 years old! And it is time to send congratulations to your favorite project. You should create an original congratulation.

Congratulate your favorite project before the September 1st, 2014, by any available for you means: poem, card, cake, screen shot or just warm words. This time you do not have limits!(:s22:)

Authors of most interesting congratulations will get original and nice rewards!


It is prohibited to show works, which contain:
- insult or dirty words;
- content of other games
on: 02 Aug 2014 [20:53]
updated: 02 Aug 2014 [21:07]
on: 02 Aug 2014 [20:56]
updated: 02 Aug 2014 [21:07]
Best wishes for your birthday.

That your walk is always awarded the presence of God, guiding your steps and intuiting their decisions, so that your achievements and victories, are constant in their day.

Congratulations, but happiness always.
on: 02 Aug 2014 [21:12]
updated: 02 Aug 2014 [21:21]
Der Geburtstag ist schon wieder da, der gleiche Mist wie jedes Jahr. Alle kommen angerannt und schütteln dir wie blöd die Hand. Doch heute ist das ganz egal, es ist ja nicht das letzte Mal. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! (:s21:)
The birthday is here again, the same crap as every year. All come running and shake hands with you as stupid. But today that is no matter, it's not the last time. Happy Birthday! (:s21:)

on: 02 Aug 2014 [22:17]
updated: 02 Aug 2014 [22:23]
Era dia, quando surgiu o nevoeiro
Os homens estavam cansados
as espadas pareciam mais pesadas
Ouvia-se apenas os passos dos soldados
Quando de súbito eis que surge algo no céu
Um assobio interrompe o silêncio juntamente com o grito de aviso
As flechas caem cortando o vento.
Acertam os escudos e em meio a grandes guerreiros alguns olhos assustados
gritos e sangue entoam o ambiente
até que seja possível avistar de onde vem o inimigo
Flechas também são arremessadas até que chega o instante
Os exercítos se encontram e a lâmina corta a carne
O Inferno parece ter encontrado um endereço
Surge portanto...
1100ad o jogo!!!
Os anos se passaram e com ele muita coisa evoluiu
o que não muda é a determinação dos guerreiros
Novos arcos, espadas, escudos
Muitos campos para explorar
e muitos inimigos para derrubar
O melhor jogo de estratégia de todos os tempo
Uma nova face
Você não pode perder.

Parabéns a todos (homens e mulheres) que fizeram deste jogo um sucesso. Muito ainda precisa ser feito, a comunicação pode ser melhorado e sugestões bem-vindas, no entanto, medidas estão sendo tomadas e as melhorias virão.
Parabéns a 6 anos e uma vida longa para 1100AD
Este é o verdadeiro desejo de Jhernesy0001 e Todos (FRA) Fraternidade (mundo novo servidor)

It was the day came when the fog
The men were tired
swords seemed heavier
Could be heard only by the footsteps of the soldiers
When suddenly comes something in the sky
One whistle interrupts the silence together with the cry of warning
The arrows fall out cutting the wind
The arrows hit the shields
amidst great warriors some frightened eyes
screams and blood intone the environment until it is possible to see from where comes the enemy
Arrows are also thrown until the moment arrives
The armies meet and the blade cuts the meat
Hell seems to have found an address
Appears so ...
1100AD " the game!"
Years passed and with it much evolved
what does not change is the determination of Warriors
New bows, swords, shields
Many fields to explore
and many enemies to overthrow
The best strategy game of all time
One new face
You can not lose.

Congratulations to all (men and women) who have made this game a success. Much still needs to be done, communication can be improved and suggestions welcomed, however, steps are being taken and the improvements will come.
Congratulations to 6 years and long life to 1100AD
This is the true desire of Jhernesy0001 and All (FRA) Fraternity (new server world)
on: 08 Aug 2014 [18:51]
updated: 08 Aug 2014 [18:56]
Il rosso marziano illumina le notti
e il balenare dei sogni ne riluce
che bel rosso, amici
contubernali, compagni di pranzi e di cene
spezziamo il pane, facciamo mille atti assieme
l'adorabile tempo ci conduce
lo strepitoso esordio di una marcia
il fremito dei boschi, il vento mi disperde in mille rivoli
tra i frassini
sono pieno di echi, tramite sono di vita
mi respiro come aria pura
le imprese straordinarie di un eroe
i mille astuti agguati di un bandito
sono meno complicati del gesto di un amico
la scoperta di un nuovo continente
l'irresistibile ascesa di un capo
il pianto sfrenato di una vedova
nulla sono in confronto al gesto di un amico
un detto greco dice: "Non ci sono amici"
Ma che m'importa dei greci
on: 08 Aug 2014 [19:03]
updated: 08 Aug 2014 [19:11]
The red lights Martian nights
and the flashing of dreams it shines
what a beautiful red, Friends
contubernali, fellow lunches and dinners
break bread, we make a thousand acts together
the adorable time leads
the amazing debut of a march
the thrill of the woods, the wind scatters me in a thousand streams
between the ash
are full of echoes, through are of life
I like breathing clean air
the extraordinary feats of a hero
a thousand cunning ambush of a bandit
are less complicated gesture to a friend
the discovery of a new continent
the irresistible rise of a leader
unrestrained weeping widow of a
are nothing in comparison to the act of a friend
said a greek says: "There are no friends"
But what do I care of the Greeks
on: 08 Aug 2014 [21:24]
Chiedo scusa, ma la traduzione non chiarisce il vero senso della poesia

on: 08 Sep 2014 [10:55]
updated: 08 Sep 2014 [10:55]
Dear players,(:s18:)

(:s35:)Thank you very much for your warm words and greetings! It was very difficult to choose one winner. All greetings were so honest. That is why we decided to encourage next players:


They will get 3 million resources and set of artifacts.
We congratulate all participants and wish them new victories in our future competitions.

(:s33:)In order to get your prize please verify your server )))
on: 08 Sep 2014 [19:43]
updated: 08 Sep 2014 [19:44]