on: 13 Mar 2014 [09:43]
I'm sure I'm not the only one, but there's such a waste of time involving artifacts in this game. Let's face it, it takes forever to transfer artifacts between heroes and/or towns. We have to mouse click once for one artifact and if we want to transfer 10, 20, 35 or more artifacts, it's the same amount of mouse clicks. We want to give 35 of the same artifact to a hero with Master artificer, we have to transfer all those one by one, and it's even more fun when the game lags making it even slower.


Here's what I suggest. I tried to make it loos like real or so, but a small icon where we would click, that pops up a window asking us how many artifacts we want to transfer would be great. It would be limited to what the heroes can carry of course but like in this picture, if I want to give 35 of those mercenaries arrows to a hero, I click the small icon and type "35" in the small window that popped up. Exactly like when you want to disband an army. Maybe it could be a list where you click the arrow and select the number you want, from 1 to 35.

Wouldn't that be great?

We can already transfer the desired amount of artifacts from city to hero, hero to city or city to city, but it costs gold, and only works for different heroes/cities. Another way could be to expand it so it's from hero to city, or from city to hero that are in the same city, but this time with no gold cost.

Either way, it's annoying to waste so much time clicking on artifacts to move them one by one. I think a change here would be more than welcome.