on: 15 Feb 2014 [19:44]

I would like to make some small suggestions on the graphical user interface.

1. Unit stats in tactic screen: There is no possibility to see the stats of the unit type in tactic screen as far as I know. Its annoying as newbie to switch back to the barracks to see the details.
My suggestion: adding a mouse-over with the stats of a unit (good in...) in tactic screen. Maybe on the right side on the icons of the units.

2. Storehouse -> Achievements: I have a color weakness and difficulties distinct if a Achievement is activated or not (I estimate they are green and red at the moment?)
My suggestion: change the brightness of the colors (light green and dark red for example) to help people with color weakness to distinct them by brightness. I think its a small and fast change ;-)

3. upgrade text log: I tried the graphical log and the text log at battles. I like the text log very much to keep the overview but the graphical log gives you a lot more informations (which army attacked, which units does the enemy left).
I would like to point to different ideas:
3.1. using the text-log but having a graphical mouse over (could look like a row in graphical log)
or a bit easier:
3.2. just adding which army attacked on every row in log

Greetings Kuishikama

PS: English isn't my native language. I apologies for language misunderstandings.