on: 20 Nov 2013 [13:38]
Below is reserved to interested space for posting some important dates in the history of Brazil, to the server to check for the interest of creating a special promotion for the Brazilians as a tribute.

Abaixo está reservado aos interessados o espaço para a postagem de algumas datas importantes na história do Brasil, para o servidor verificar se há o interesse de criar uma promoção especial para os brasileiros a título de homenagem.
on: 20 Nov 2013 [13:38]
April 21, 1792 - Tiradentes was hanged for fighting for the independence of Brazil

April 22, 1500 - Discovery of Brazil

May 13, 1888 - Abolishing of slavery

May 21, 2006 - National Language Day

July 9, 1932 - Anniversary of the Constitutional Revolution of 32

August 22 - Folklore Day honors Brazilian popular culture

August 25 - Soldier Day coincides with the date of birth of the Duke of Caxias

September 7, 1822 - Independence of Brazil

September 18 - Day of the National Symbols

October 23 - Day Airman recalls the flight of the 14-Bis

October 25 - Democracy Day

November 15, 1889 - Proclamation of the Republic ended the imperial period in Brazil

November 19, 1889 - In 1889, it was the official flag of Brazil