on: 15 Oct 2013 [21:22]
updated: 16 Oct 2013 [13:38]
October discounts are going on! Don't forget to visit game shop and follow news and updates in social networks - we do have surprises for you!
Now to the main topic, what will patch 2_29 bring to 1100AD?

1. When building marktower you can choose building or location type to be transformed to in 24h. This transformation will be held automatically. If marktower creation is impossible, player gets error message.
2. Every "Wonder city" from top-50 now has its status shown. Implemented on all servers.
3. If building upgrade is not possible, player gets error message with the full list of reasons.

1. Conditionally free hero killed during Citadel siege of is revived as conditionally free hero.
2. Start of Citadel siege is announced in game chat. As soon as siege is finished, new Citadel owner is announced in the chat.
3. Citadel defense troops composition is reworked completely:
3.1 Artifacts used for building are taken from Order storage, not from player's heroes;
3.2 Instead of hiring separate soldiers, now troops can be hired (soldiers + heroes).
3.3 Main building upgrade increases amount of defense troops available.
3.4 Defense troops hiring screen reworked. List of available defense troops will be explained in a separate forum topic.


1. Most panels on the right may be collapsed, so you can modify interface by yourself;
2. "Another attacks" panel is now closer to the "Campaign" panel on the world map screen;
3. Campaign results in the letter are more readable now;
4. Terraforming results are displayed with 15 sec increments (was 1 minute);
5. "+1 mercenary location control point" gift icon changed in gift shop;
6. Hint's outlook is changed for heroes, soldiers, cities and artifacts;
7. Wonder cities now provide morale bonus for defender armies.

1. Upon selecting new Master of the Order, previous Master is removed from the Order chat. New Master automatically gets Order chat moderator rights.
2. Now all names in chat are displayed properly.
3. Fixed incorrect icon that was displayed in the Campaigns panel on the right during Citadel campaign.
4. Some chat window sizes are corrected.
5. When you exit port cities the list of available destinations is displayed correctly.
6. Combat logs bug fixed, when players got kicked out from tactics while viewing logs.
7. Resource transportation between player's cities now works as intended.
8. City hint now shows player's coat of arms, not the one of the Order.
9. Travel time estimation in tactics mode now displays correctly, taking in consideration hero bonuses.
10. Hero abilities reset price now displays correctly.
11. Looted artifacts are displayed correctly in tactics mode.
12. There are no more forests or mountains underneath cities on world map.

* Novice subscription is available on Aquitaine too.
* To celebrate this, we offer every player (regardless of the current level) of the Aquitaine server to buy a novice subscription. Hurry! This offer is valid until the October 29th!
* Re-writing troops from one city to another is not available any more.

El Dorado, New World, West:
* Lost city now displays differently on the world map.
* Reputation is no longer required to build a shipyard.

Unification of Aragon:
* Fixed a bug when player was kicked from the game while opening Troops tab in the tavern.

* Now library can be built in the fort.

This update is availiable on Albion and New Beta, and will be live on other server on 16.10.