on: 24 Aug 2013 [22:02]
I had permission to build a mark tower inside the contour but needed permission from someone else to move a city there (according to the message). Once that permission was granted, I'm still unable to move the city.
on: 25 Aug 2013 [15:47]
updated: 25 Aug 2013 [15:47]
There are forts that are in forts which are in forts, if you know what I mean. Did you get any error messsage?

I think I also remember that no enemy troops are allowed inside the city that is supposed to be moved.

If you do not get an error message and are unable to find another reason why it didn't work, please write a detailed support ticket and describe your problem there. (:s30:)
on: 25 Aug 2013 [18:49]
CUNNOX, In addition to allow change inside contour permission (to place your mark tower), you also need permission from the contour owner access through the fort. Ensure you have this permission. That's what the error message is referring to.