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on: 14 Jun 2013 [03:56]
I started playing on 17/03/2011.
After more than two years spending time and money because ambergames thought that would be a serious undertaking, receive the message that the server will close achievement.
We have the option to choose another server to be transferred half of that was spent in the last five months.
This is disrespectful to those who believed in the project of 1100AD in Brazil.
I even acretidar that one day I would transfer my empire to my son, but actually wasted my time and money.
I spent over $ 4,000.00 USD with the game 1100AD.
Today I have 12 cities, 36 points and mercenary camps and over 150 heroes.

If this attitude is confirmed, we'll have to get gamers in the world and sites ranking games lack of commitment ambergames with your customers.
Nobody wants to sail in a canoe stuck ...(:rob:)(:gold:)(:rob:)(:gold:)(:rob:)(:gold:)
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on: 14 Jun 2013 [04:33]
updated: 14 Jun 2013 [17:46]
Regrettable. It is the first word that comes to mind at the moment. The important changes are often difficult to adapt, but many resist some changes are inevitable however when talking about a game where for years the most loyal players invested much money and time is unfortunate that the developer Ambers GAMES simply make the changes such Just thinking of your navel. Will players conquest server did not deserve further consideration?

Starting from scratch on a server like eg Beta is mere suicide or pure masochism! Spoke both here to create conditions for beginners to match forces with the older players and now you think players here starting from scratch on other servers (the same proportion of Beta) will have this option?

The worst is that beyond them all zerarem of all players is the player that STILL need to request compensation (which for me is their duty to do automatically) but necas of pitibiriba even that the player will have.

Another thing was to have for example 100, 200 or even 450 heroes and a great troop and suddenly they offer 3 heroes to level 24. I ask ONLY THAT? I am the bozo now?

And the orders that existed? Who created them lose everything you invested in it? How will this compensation?

They say that in the past had 3 servers Brazilian here and when you hear the unification of 3 NOTHING HAS CHANGED and each kept the empire they had. FAIR TO ME NOTHING MORE. Ensure players such structure unification that today would be even more PROFITABLE for all parties: For us the victory, and the other server mainly for AMBER GAMES.

I like many players here CERTAINLY WILL STOP PLAYING. ALREADY GAVE TO ME AND SORRY AGAIN THE DECISION OF THE GAME DEVELOPER. Those who will advise looking for a newer server where all have fairly similar forces not to be mere observers and puppet play.

It was a pleasure while it lasted all of you have played with the Conquest. Here's my big hug.
The proposal Ambers GAMES is at least ridiculous.

Jump to a server where there are already players with greater advantage is at least disrespectful. In the new world there are already strong players with huts and more cities that are bidding for players conquest.

Any such proposal is bad faith and slutty. In the most popular language "theft" even!!




2) OR LISTEN TO ALL PLAYERS AND PROPOSE AT LEAST a new foreign server where all players start from scratch, and the players here give conquest server yes WOULD THESE concessions to compensate all the time and money that each of us invested in Conquest, with the difference that the gold would be refunded 80% of the whole period of existence of the account and not sliced as they want to.



THOSE WHO WANT A REFUND trigger JUSTICE. Process the UOL The Ambers GAMES AND THE GOOD BUY if you prefer.

by nekasdkatibiriba

Lamentável. É a primeira palavra que me vem a cabeça neste momento. As mudanças são importantes, muitas vezes difíceis de de adaptar, muitos resistem mas algumas mudanças são inevitáveis no entanto quando falamos de um jogo onde durante anos os jogadores mais fieis investiram muito dinheiro e tempo é LAMENTÁVEL que a desenvolvedora AMBERS GAMES simplesmente faça as tais mudanças apenas pensando no seu umbigo. Será que os jogadores do servidor conquista não mereciam maior consideração?

Começar do zero num servidor como o Beta por exemplo é mero suicídio ou masoquismo puro!! Falavam tanto aqui em criar condições aos novatos de equiparar suas forças com os jogadores mais antigos e agora vocês acham que jogadores daqui começando do zero em outros servers ( da mesma proporção do Beta ) terão essa possibilidade?

O Pior é que além deles zerarem tudo de todos os jogadores é o jogador AINDA que precisa solicitar a compensação ( que pra mim é obrigação deles fazer automaticamente ) senão necas de pitibiriba nem isso o jogador terá.

Outra coisa era ter por exemplo 100, 200 ou até 450 herois e uma bela tropa e de repente eles oferecem 3 herois de nivel 24. Eu pergunto: SÓ ISSO? Eu sou o bozo agora?

E as Ordens que existiam ? Quem as criou perde tudo que investiu nela? Como será essa compensação?

Dizem que no passado haviam 3 servidores brasileiro aqui e quando ouve a unificação dos 3 NADA FOI MUDADO e cada um manteve o império que tinham. PRA MIM NADA MAIS JUSTO. Garantir aos jogadores essa mesma estrutura nessa unificação de hoje seria inclusive mais LUCRATIVO para todas as partes: Pra nós do conquista, ao outro server e principalmente para a AMBER GAMES.

Eu como muitos jogadores daqui CERTAMENTE VÃO PARAR DE JOGAR. PRA MIM JÁ DEU E LAMENTO MAIS UMA VEZ A DECISÃO DA DESENVOLVEDORA DO JOGO. Aos que ficarão aconselho que procurem um server mais recente onde todos tenham razoavelmente forças semelhantes para não serem meros observadores e marionetes do jogo.

Foi um prazer enquanto durou ter jogado com todos vocês do Conquista. Aqui vai meu grande abraço.
A proposta da AMBERS GAMES é no mínimo ridicula.

Ir para um servidor onde já existem jogadores com vantagem maior é no mínimo falta de respeito. No novo mundo já há fortes, jogadores com huts e muito mais cidades do que estão oferecendo para os jogadores do conquista.

Qualquer proposta nesse sentido é ma fé e sacanagem. Na linguagem mais popular " Roubo " mesmo !!!!




2) OU OUVIR A TODOS OS JOGADORES E PROPOR NO MÍNIMO um novo server estrangeiro onde todos os jogadores começassem do zero, e os jogadores daqui do servidor conquista dai sim TERIAM ESSAS concessões para compensar todo o tempo e dinheiro que cada um de nós investiu no Conquista, com o diferencial de que o ouro devolvido seria 80% de todo periodo de existencia da conta e não fatiado como querem fazer.




by nekasdkatibiriba

The ambergames robs us, disrespect us, as if we were children
The ambergames is no longer our friend declared war on it and only want to rob us
The ambergames not(:ally:)is our (:enemy:)?(:attack:)Member Server conquista.1100ad.com

[Edit | Crimson | I combined your threads to this post. One thread of this subject will be good.
on: 14 Jun 2013 [04:51]
Unfortunately ambergames is treating us like second-class citizens, not showing any kind of respect. I also used to regularly buy gold and had 11 cities and 27 huts. The reward offered by ambergames is ridiculous and disrespectful. I'm sorry to have to stop playing, but I will not accept migrate to another server this way. I played for more than three years in 1100AD, but I'd rather quit than to be made ​​a fool.
on: 14 Jun 2013 [06:09]
Hi Amber Games, my name is Leandro Vechiato.

received a mp server Conquista, saying that the server no longer existed. I have some questions:

1. My account will be migrated all my huts? (I spent many diamonds in them)

2. I will have to start from the beginning?

all of us who played with 1100AD are many doubts regarding this information
on: 14 Jun 2013 [17:27]
OK, first may I say that it is regrettable of both the circumstances which led to this and this, the unpreventable closer of one of Ambergames' oldest partner servers, Conquista. Sadly, UOL BoaCompra, Ambergames' partner of the service, "Conquista World" server, has recently decided to stop supporting the service. This service can not be maintained by Ambergames alone most likely due to certain legal matters, etc... When business deals break down on the macro level, lower tier people are almost always unavoidably harmed. Thus is the case right now.

Ambergames has issued their compensation deals for the players on the Conquista server. Yes, the compensation mostly sucks; sadly though, players can not be compensated for everything. The server, which you get to pick, will be a active server. Placing players from another server to a active server, fully compensated, will harm the players on that server. It will be as intrusive to them as the closing of Conquista was to you (OK, maybe a little less intrusive, but intrusive none the less).

To those who wish to pick up the pieces and start a new chapter in your story with players you have or haven't meet, make a support ticket with "Conquista world" as the server and "CONQUISTA CLOSING" as the title. There, include all the information which you think is needed, including which server you want your compensation added to. You can even try to negotiate some extra terms like adding a few mercenary camps to help start you out and to have easy access to most orders on the server you picked. Good luck!
Things that will happen with this choice:
You will have to start from the beginning. One town, no army, no mercenary camps, etc (unless the compensation has be negotiated to add to these). However, gold, city / mercenary control points, and other compensations will be added to that account.

To those who want everything or nothing, there's not much more to be said or done. Again, the server can not be saved most likely due to legal reasons and fully compensated players can not be added to active servers due to the intrusiveness to those players. Losing Conquista will hurt both players and Ambergames. Ambergames is trying its best to help those hurt by this business separation yet also to maintain a fair environment to all active servers.
on: 14 Jun 2013 [18:47]
updated: 15 Jun 2013 [18:24]
moderator is simple to protect it against us for a year, so there would be so unfair to them, as this is to us the conquista

Moderator, put us as we are on another server, it would not be unfair to the players of the same, after all we spend the most time they in this game, it would be unfair yes, if we had to start from scratch after so much time and money invested in this game. On the server we enter new world as we now belong to that server and the players that are there, the other server at this time would be of novice conquista.1100ad., As they would be in their current positions in the new world, so 'd be just more experienced players on their server, as we are in conquista.1100ad, or you could create for us the conquista.1100ad. server disconnected from UOL, since you have had problems. but we should not be affected by problems between you.
We await answers and a solution that pleases the players, after all we have nothing to do with the problems between UOL and Amber Games

[Edit | Crimson | Please modify your last post if you wish to add to it. Do not post multiple times in a row.]
on: 15 Jun 2013 [07:17]
updated: 15 Jun 2013 [18:24]
And w / regret that I learned to lock Server Conquest Head of the Game 1100AD AmberGames Here in Brazil. AFTER Years Investing and Money pace, relying on the seriousness of AmberGames of Suddenly announce the closing of the server and provide nn A Compensation shameful. May I remind you, Everything can not play UO WAS purchased Conquered Being so rightfully ours. Close the Server and nn offer Opaque offered and No Minimum immoral. I feel deeply aggrieved and totally disbelieving in AmberGames. STILL have a few days Ate closure. What I hope this time, find a more intelligent and honest. The Fact That And a AmberGames HAS A Problem w / Lock the Server and is not just damaging Problem solving THAT YOUR Customers

It is with regret that I learned of the closure of Conquest server, responsible for the game 1100AD AmberGames here in Brazil. After years of investing time and money by relying on the seriousness of AmberGames suddenly announce the closing of the server and provide compensation shameful. I remind you that, all we can in the game was won or purchased and therefore rightfully ours. Close the server and offer us what we offered is at least immoral. I feel deeply aggrieved and totally disbelieving in AmberGames. We still have a few days until closing. I hope that this time, find a more intelligent and honest. The fact is that AmberGames have a problem with closing the server and shall not solve this problem is just harming their customers. Tb shows that this happens in Conquest is likely to happen in other servers. I believe that playing on other servers should be concerned because they are realizing that they can be the next victims. I guess nobody's AmberGames, plays or played this game for so long. If sleepover, understand what it is to invest time and money in a game and see everything that was purchased, won and executed with planning in the short, medium and long term, shall not have the lowest value. The fair would be transferred to another server, carrying all the inheritance. Thus, the players would keep investing in the game. It would be a new step and extra motivation to continue investing. The solution that offers AmberGames, away those who invest and causes insecurity to playing on other servers. As I start a new server shall not know how long it will last? Any solution to be taken, should consider first, the right of each player keep everything they have and then think about the rest. Does AmberGames shall not have your own server? If not, why not create? Are thus away players who invest and are faithful to the game. Captive customers. About 280 to Heroes 3 will be satisfied with? Who with 10 Strong built and territorial control 35% of the valley, conquered 12 cities, will be satisfied with 6 points of City? Who over 340mil points mercenaries, will be satisfied with 36 points?
Here we no longer talk more rights acquired by players but incompetence trade.

[Edit | Crimson | Please modify your last post if you wish to add to it. Do not post multiple times in a row.]
on: 15 Jun 2013 [19:15]
updated: 15 Jun 2013 [19:21]
Quote Hostom:
Moderator, put us as we are on another server, it would not be unfair to the players of the same

If this was possible, Ambergames would have done this already. The server Conquista was supported by Ambergames and UOL BoaCompra.
Quote Hostom:
Moderator, put us as we are on another server, it would not be unfair to the players of the same, after all we spend the most time they in this game, it would be unfair yes, if we had to start from scratch after so much time and money invested in this game.

Look, it's not fair that Conquista is closing. Ambergames has no control over this as it was a joint service supplied by more than one company. However, it would be unfair to other players of a server which you, as a fully compensated player, get placed into. All the damage you, and other players from Conquista, do in those servers are a result of Ambergames placing you there. Therefore, Ambergames will be directly responsible for all of the unfairness of the actions of fully compensated Conquitsa players in those servers. Ambergames strives to create a fairness within the services they provide. This is why you can not be fully compensated and placed into a active server. Actions like these will affect many players, both positively and negatively.
Quote Hostom:
but we should not be affected by problems between you.
This is thoughtless. You would be affected if your internet provider had problems which caused you to lose your internet. I don't care who you are (unless you are very wealthy), if a service provider has problems, the people who get that service will be affected. And lastly, this is not just an Ambergames' problem, but a problem between two companies. Not one of them should bare the full responsibilities for the loss of a service they both supplied together.
Quote carlosgodinho:
responsible for the game 1100AD AmberGames here in Brazil.

Again, both Ambergames and UOL BoaCompra are responsible for the Conquista server, not just Ambergames.
Quote carlosgodinho:
The fair would be transferred to another server, carrying all the inheritance.

Fair for you? Maybe so. Fair to the players on the server you get transferred to? Absolutely not! All actions you do in that server will harm some and benefit some. Those harmed are being harmed through the unfairness of you being there. Ambergames can not simply shuffle the unfairness of life brought onto the Conquista players onto other players on different servers.
Quote carlosgodinho:
As I start a new server shall not know how long it will last?

Beta server (now called New Beta) has been around since 2008. Almost twice (don't quote me...) as long as Conquista server. Just because a sting of uncontrollable events which led to two companies splitting of which causes an end to a joint service which those two companies provided does not mean this will happen to the main Ambergames hosted 1100AD servers (by which they are completely responsible for).
Quote carlosgodinho:
Does AmberGames shall not have your own server? If not, why not create?

Ambergames may not have the capacity just yet for a new server to be implemented. Also, this may be a legal matter too. In any case though, if this was a viable option, Ambergames would have acted upon it already.
on: 15 Jun 2013 [20:28]
Respeito e dignidade. No Brasil, desde o ano de 1988 - advento da Constituição Democrática, os direitos civies tem se consolidado e principalmente no âmbito do Direito do Consumidor. As pessoas tem se conscientizado de seus direitos e como requerê-los e resguardá-los. Outrora, países comercialmente superiores entravam com seus produtos em nosso país e afrontavam nossos direitos, entretanto, passado 25 anos da supracitada Constituição, existem mecanismos jurídicos para impor normas e restrições as empresas que ofertam serviços e produtos e depois desfazem o contrato sem respeitar os interesses daqueles que investiram e acreditaram nela.
Nós jogadores do 1100ad, da empresa Amber Games, queremos apenas que sejam respeitados os nossos investimentos que não se resume apenas em dinheiro, mas também no momento de lazer que desfrutamos, e que criamos algo significativo na nossa vida. O ato de simplesmente decidirem em acabar com o servidor afronta e desrespeita tudo que representou estes anos de fidelidade que tivemos e ainda mantemos com vocês. Espero que vocês pensem melhor sobre essa atitude e mantenham o servidor, ou façam uma fusão com qualquer outro servidor, mas mantendo nossas contas do mesmo jeito que se encontram no servidor Conquista, ou apresentem uma solução no mínimo coerente e descente . Entretanto, caso pensem em manter a decisão, saibam que o futuro pode ser infrutífero pra vocês, porque nós jogadores do servidor Conquista utilizaremos todos os mecanimos de informação possíveis para que todos saíbam como vocês agem. Bem como utilizaremos os mecanismos jurídicos possíveis para alcançá-los.

Respect and dignity. In Brazil, since the year 1988 - the advent Democratic Constitution, the rights civies have been consolidated and principally within the Consumer Law. People have become aware of their rights and how to requisition them and safeguard them. Once, countries commercially superior came with your products in our country and defied our rights, however, the past 25 years of the Constitution above, there are legal mechanisms to enforce rules and restrictions companies that offer services and products and then undo the contract without respecting the interests those who believed and invested in it.
We players 1100AD, the company Amber Games, we just want to be respected our investments is not just money, but also in leisure time we enjoy, and we create something meaningful in our lives. The act of simply deciding to end the server affront and disrespect all these years represented loyalty we had and still have with you. I hope you will think better of this attitude and maintain the server. However, if you think about keeping the decision, know that the future can fail for you because we Brazilians engine that will use all possible information so that everyone knows how you act. Well as possible will use legal mechanisms to achieve them....
on: 15 Jun 2013 [22:41]
Quote crimson:
Fair to the players on the server you get transferred to? Absolutely not! All actions you do in that server will harm some and benefit some. Those harmed are being harmed through the unfairness of you being there

We had a merger of two servers not such a long time ago. It seems this was not creating insurmountable problems. Why it is excluded that a 3rd OLD server is merged with the cities of this server in a well defined area far enough away from the other areas or creating a second valley for the ex-players of conquista ?
on: 16 Jun 2013 [01:50]
Ok AMBERGAMES. If you think things work that way is well. You can make a fusion between two servers and DO NOT accept!! The issue is not that the merger will harm other players servers, the pretext is actually harming the players conquest sorrateramente forcing them to buy it all over again what was actually taken from them. I'm sorry you guys act like this.

   The players are united and will seek your legal rights to receive what is rightfully justice.
on: 16 Jun 2013 [03:21]
updated: 16 Jun 2013 [03:22]
(:s16:)what is happening is a shame.
Many excuse not conceal an indecent attitude.
What will be the encouragement to continue with a vicious organization.
on: 16 Jun 2013 [03:25]
We want respect!! Our requirement is:

1) Let it be fusion Conquest server with any other server
2) That the empires of all players are preserved under conditions where they are today.

   We will continue until July 3 insist on asssunto in all media from the internet.

   All continue to warn all the players who have affinity with 1100AD.

  The attitude of AMBERGAMES us can not happen with any server.


Nós queremos respeito!!! Nossa exigência é:

1) Que seja feita a fusão do server Conquista com qualquer outro server
2) Que os impérios de todos os jogadores sejam preservados nas condições em que se encontram hoje.

Nós vamos continuar até o dia 03 de Julho insistir no asssunto em todos os meios de comunicação da internet.

Todos continuaremos a alertar a todos os jogadores que tem afinidade com o 1100ad.

A atitude da AMBERGAMES conosco não pode acontecer com server nenhum.
on: 16 Jun 2013 [03:40]
(:s33:)Our server has players well developed, it would be wrong to take EVERYTHING that they won, and even more, to offer even half of what they have, it is certain to merge with another server, or offer accounts with the same conditions we currently have, wrong attitude the AmberGames and responsible,credibility 0.(:s16:)(:s27:)(:rob:)(:gold:)
on: 16 Jun 2013 [03:43]
That is a lack of consideration for the players of the server, many play more than three years, the suggestion to merge with another server is great, but what you are offering us is a steal.(:s27:)
on: 16 Jun 2013 [03:57]
We want respect!! Our requirement is:

1) Let it be fusion Conquest server with any other server
2) That the empires of all players are preserved under conditions where they are today.

We will continue until July 3 insist on asssunto in all media from the internet.

All continue to warn all the players who have affinity with 1100AD.

The attitude of AMBERGAMES us can not happen with any server.


I agree with this condition. It's not fair what they are doing.(:s15:)(:s16:)
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