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on: 10 Jun 2013 [14:57]
Attention all players!
As you know, Olympic games are here, and the servers were updated with first Olympic locations.
However, many players have decided to seize this opportunity and capture the empty mercenary camps.
Exactly that happened on New Beta server – a location which was supposed to be used by '_AnarchY_' order, has been captured by them. Additionally, similar thing happened with a location for 'Scotland' order on Britannia server, which have also decided to capture the camp before start of the games.

Based on all this, I would like to use this opportunity to tell the masters of these two orders that they have failed the first task and both of them receive 2 penalty points. Further, '_AnarchY_' order will be disqualified from participation in the Olympic games for ignoring the warning they have received when capturing the camp.

Warning to everyone:
The information on Olympic games is available to everyone, which may lead some players to attacking their weaker opponents due to a set limit.
If there are any orders which participate in the Olympic games, in a location which is not theirs, then the team which violated the rule and has intervened in the games, will be disqualified.

If there are any orders or players which do not participate in the Olympic games, in a location which was assigned to an Olympic team, then the orders or players which interfere will be punished by Administration for interfering with the competition.

The armies of those who were affected by this attack will be reimbursed in full amount.

P.S. The challenges will be posted in this thread, so stay tuned!(:s1:)
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on: 10 Jun 2013 [15:04]
First Task – Mares of Diomedes.
As you know in this labor Heracles had to deal with the mares of king Diomedes, which were very strong and fierce creatures. Similarly, the first challenge in our Olympic games is capturing mercenary camp where you will face strong cavalry.
For knights – byzantine fortress, where your enemies will be cataphracts and horse archers.
For casual players – Templar castle, where your enemies will be Templar knights and dark shooters.
Here are the coordinates for capturing, please notice, that each team has their own camp to capture!

Knight Teams:
Outremer Server:

Order - "Balti" [BAL] - 1197/170(1)
Order - Knights of The Holy Land [KNI] - 1114/593(1)
Order - Knights of the Salah-ad-Din [КSD] - 555/604(1)
Order - Demons - 871/682(1)

Bohemia Server:
Order - PHOENIX [PHO] - 73/38(6)
Order - Konnica [KON] - 80/72(1)
Order - Спартак - 21/82(19)
Order - War Spirit [WAR] - 6/71(18)
Order - Furor Teutonicus [☼] - 58/40(25)
Order - Schwarze_Witwen - 7/9(10)

Britannia Server:
Order - England[ENG] - 823/815(1)
Order - Lords Alliance [LOR] - 297/154(1)
Order - Norway [NOR] - 106/693(1)
Oрден Фракция Львов [LIO] - 692/624(1)
Order - Scotland [SCO] - 698/892(1)

Grail Server:
Order - German 1100AD-Guild [GER] - 57/62(2)
Order - United Bandits - 24/9(5)
Order - WWT -12/12(23)
Order - Die üblichen Verdächtigen - 98/34(46)

Golden Horde Server:
Order - Оrder of barbarians - 495/101(1)
Order - "Сарматы" -286/662(1)
Order - "Погоня" - 135/453(1)

Koryo Server:
Order - Silla - 716/675(1)
Order - LORDS [LOR] - 362/34(1)
Order - Kebteul [KEB] - 601/305(1)
Order - "Death Angel Knights" - 27/654(1)

Livonia Server:
Order - !!!Варяги!!! - 51/47(47)
Order - Renesanse [REN] - 41/62(1)
Order - ღﺴPROTECTORﺴღ - 25/81(41)

New Beta Server:
Order - Snow Dogs [SD] - 950/48(1)
Order - ''Never Ends Story'' - 1526/1113(1)

Skogmark Server:
Order - VIENOTIBA -1292/317(1)
Order - Белая Стрела - 505/494(1)
Order - NerdCompany - 1101/153(1)

El Dorado Server:
Order - Corsairs [COR] - 997/1822(1)
Order - Gardiens de la Terre [GAR] - 1257/417(1)
Order - Gardiens de la Mer [GAR] - 1364/9(1)
Order - Order St. Isabel - 1864/1729(1)

Casual Teams:
Aragon Server:

Captain - bruder2 - 59/71(19)
Captain - aroon - 8/8(4)
Captain - drugan99999 - 84/60(6)

Bohemia Server:
Captain - Golovotyap -80/76(17)
Captain - TIGRIK - 84/10(5)
Captain - niksanaznc - 86/22(25)

1. Points will be assigned according to your losses, the lower your army’s losses the more points you will get.
2. We will be using following formula to calculate the losses: 1 mercenary point = 1 point of population, heroes and trebuchets will be counted as 1 point of population.
3. You are not allowed to refill armies during this mission.
4. You have 24 hours to complete this mission.
5. Each mercenary camp takes 8 hours to capture.
6. In order to capture a mercenary camp you have to have at least 1 free mercenary location control point.
7. Each team has to provide the log of the fight which was taken not earlier than 10 minutes before capture.
on: 10 Jun 2013 [16:32]
updated: 10 Jun 2013 [16:32]
The armies of those who were affected by this attack will be reimbursed in full amount.

so if i use artifact then mobs will come more?
on: 10 Jun 2013 [17:52]
My team for britania,casual users is not listed why not?Is it because no one else entered?And if so what do we get for entering?NOT FAIR(:s6:)(:s20:)
on: 10 Jun 2013 [20:13]
JustGun4a: It means that if other players interfere by breaking the rules, we'll reimburse your army.(:s1:)
pop90pop90: Yes, unfortunately so. :( Right now we don't have any prizes planned for those who couldn't participate, however, if the event goes well, there will be more such contests and we'll see what happens there..(:s10:)
on: 10 Jun 2013 [21:09]
Ok...please take into consideration that we have been planning for quit some time already,and some of us invested gold to prepare.It would be nice to still get something,because it is not our fault.THANK YOU (:s10:)
on: 11 Jun 2013 [05:04]
updated: 11 Jun 2013 [05:06]
on: 11 Jun 2013 [08:05]
where should we send the report?
on: 11 Jun 2013 [09:18]

it is necessary to publish in this topic
on: 11 Jun 2013 [09:47]
Could you please add a task for MurderInc on new beta also?
on: 11 Jun 2013 [09:54]
on: 11 Jun 2013 [10:40]
on: 11 Jun 2013 [12:27]
Quote SopokeVonGlopoke:
Could you please add a task for MurderInc on new beta also?

Did MI apply for the games? (:s28:)

I would have loved to see all the big orders from new beta, that would have been really interesting! (:s30:)
on: 11 Jun 2013 [13:13]
Quote schnitzer90:
Did MI apply for the games?

I would have loved to see all the big orders from new beta, that would have been really interesting!

It seems to me they do not registrait for OG.
on: 11 Jun 2013 [15:04]
updated: 11 Jun 2013 [15:15]
The second task - Apples of the Hesperides.

The most difficult labour of Hercules is our second task. It was so difficult to complete, because nobody knew the way to the Hesperides. In his search Hercules traveled across Europe, Asia and North before he managed to find a man who knew the way.
Our second task is also a difficult one – explore a temporary quest location.
The knight teams have to find and explore the Trade faire location.
The casual teams have to find and explore the Wrecked cart location.

1. Points will be assigned according to your losses, the lower your army’s losses the more points you will get.
2. We will be using following formula to calculate the losses: 1 mercenary point = 1 point of population, heroes and trebuchets will be counted as 1 point of population.
3. Keeping in mind that exploration time will be different for each player, we will be using the following formula:
Losses per hour = Total loss of units / Total time in quest location (in hours).

Minutes will be rounded up or down according to mathematical rules: 0.5 of an hour = 1 hour. The same rule is applied to the “Losses per hour” so we should always get an integer.
4. You are not allowed to refill armies during this mission.
5. You have 24 hours to complete this mission.
6. Each team has to provide the fight log and a screenshot with the results of the exploration.
on: 11 Jun 2013 [15:21]
updated: 11 Jun 2013 [16:37]
You say that the casual team have to explore the wrecked cart but i have 3 trade fairs quest only available. Should we find cart that is not shown to us as mission? (:s28:)

Yes, you can also look for them on the Valley Map, just don't forget to send us the log afterwards. -rimsharob
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