on: 27 Mar 2013 [18:35]
updated: 28 Mar 2013 [18:05]
Dear players!
Soon our doors will open for the bright and merry Easter holiday — a celebration devoted to Jesus Christ's glorious resurrection on the third day after the crucifixion as described in the New Testament.
Easter also marks the end of the Lenten season and people eagerly indulge in the holiday fun, taste the delicious food and spend these days in joy!

We, the 1100AD Team, would also like to congratulate you all on the upcoming Easter, and since any holiday - especially such great and joyful one - should not go without gifts, we invite you to take a look at all the nice bonuses, discounts and surprises that we have prepared for you again!
Holiday discounts:

1. 30% discount on Gold and Silver Accounts and on a Baron Package. In addition, if you purchase any Account - Gold or Silver - for three months or more, you will receive the loyalty of a unique hero - Catholic Bishop Warrior, who will faithfully serve you on conditionally-free terms;
2. 20% discount on Vassal Points and Location Points;
3. 50% discount on artifact transaction and hero renaming operations;
4. 30% discount on reassigning an army to another city
5. the Ring of King now costs 30% less gold in the Gift Shop;
6. Last, but not least, Templar's Castle costs 25% less to build on all servers now!

On Albion, El Dorado, Koryo, Skogmark, Die Eroberung Amerikas servers Templar's Castle now costs:

1 level - 135 (:gold:)(previously - 180 (:gold:))
2 level - 270 (:gold:) ( previously - 360 (:gold:))
3 level - 540 (:gold:) ( previously - 720 (:gold:))
4 level - 1080 (:gold:) ( previously - 1440 (:gold:))
5 level - 2160 (:gold:) ( previously - 2880 (:gold:))

On all the other servers Templar's Castle costs, only 750 (:gold:) now! (previously – 1000 (:gold:))

The Gift Shop now also offers:

1. Easter egg for the exciting Egg Battles that cost 1 diamond only. These can later be upgraded in the Blacksmith. The same egg can be bought for as a present for your friend for a diamond or for 9 (:gold:) only. You can also purchase a Mystery Egg for 20 (:gold:), that will possibly be much stronger than the basic Easter Egg.

2. An Easter egg Basket, that will grant a random fortunate event to your kingdom (25 (:gold:));

3. Willow branch, that will transform into a mighty battle artifact upon use (25 (:gold:));

Some other surprises await you in the Gift Shop as well:
1. An unique hero – fear-inspiring Catholic Bishop Warrior, lvl 24 (70 diamonds);

2. Walnut oil, that doubles the experience gain of your heroes (100 (:gold:));

3. Water from Hippocrene source, that triples the experience gain of your heroes, but serves for a shorter term (100 (:gold:));

During the holidays Easter eggs can be found in all quest and temporary locations, such as: Abandoned Mines, Monster Caves, Barbarian Settlements, Black Rock Castles, Druid Temples, Abandoned Universities, Wrecked Trade Wagons, Trade Fairs, War Camps, Dense Forests.
Furthermore, on Easter eve itself - on 31.03.2013 at server time 00:00 precisely, all players shall witness a special Easter event that will grant every player a bunch of valuable resources!

Every town shall also receive an Easter Tree! Using this tree you will not only be able to receive presents once in a while, but will also be given an opportunity to play two of our exciting minigames: Egg Battles and our Charity Lottery. The latter requires additional clarification.
Egg Battles

To play an Egg Battle, you need to send an invitation to your opponent by going to their profile and clicking the "Easter Egg Battle" button. In order for the battle to take place, both you and your opponent have to have one of the eggs activated. To activate the egg, you need to use it on the hero. Keep in mind that the more powerful the selected egg is, the greater are your chances to win. Your Easter egg can be empowered in the Blacksmith.

If all these conditions are met, the Egg Battle will commence automatically, and the results will appear in the "battles" tab in the Easter Tree menu.
If you are to be victorious, you will also have the kingdom event as a reward. The less successful player, alas, will get nothing.

Every player who would join the Egg Battles is going to have his win/loss statistics kept and at the end of the Easter holidays the top-10 players from each server 1100AD are going to receive valuable prizes!
In addition, two players who are to show the greatest zeal in the "Egg Battle" will be awarded within the special nominations:

1. "Irrepressible Easter Warrior" - the one who is to play the most fights in total on all game servers!

2. "Easter Champion" - the one who is to score the highest win rate in total on all game servers!

Players who are going to be awarded with such honorable titles will also receive one historic city as a reward, which will be placed on those coordinates ordered by the player. The only exception is that such a city can not be placed inside the contour. Otherwise, the administration will be forced to place the city elsewhere.
In addition, titled players will also receive a unique, conditionally free level 40 hero, which the player can also choose: it can be either a Catholic Bishop Warrior, or an Orthodox Priest Warrior.

Since the Catholic and Orthodox Easter celebrations fall on different dates this year, the competition will be held from 27th March to 9th May. The results will be announced within 10 days after the end of the contest.

Charity Lottery

In order to participate in the Charity Lottery, you will need to buy one or more lottery tickets of any type. There are three types of lottery tickets:

Bronze ticket - 5 (:gold:);
Silver ticket - 10 (:gold:);
Gold ticket - 30 (:gold:);

The tickets can also be sent as gifts to your friends through the Gift Shop. In both cases, 20% of the (:gold:) payed that way will be spent on charity for one of the orphanages in Riga, which our company supports.

So you are welcome to acquire any amount of tickets and wait for your Easter luck to guide your winnings right to your doorstep!

Celebrate Easter with us, enjoy your prizes and discounts and let your heart always be open for goodness, forgiveness and peace!

P.S. Your participation in the New Year charity lottery has already payed off! At Wednesday, 3rd of April you will be able to find all about our trip to the orphanage and the gifts that were purchased for the kids!