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Dear players! Most of you already participated in one or several snowball fights between players. We hope that you like that winter game, but we decided to make this even more fun and pleasant for you and honor the most active and lucky snowball throwers.
Prizes will be given to 10 best players in 2 categories – most snowball fight victories and for most played snowball battles. Prizes for both categories are the same: 1st place - Conditionally free hero (unique) of 32-34 level with unique avatar which you choose and with „Teutonic Knights Shield” artifact http://1100ad.com/wiki/Artifacts#The_Permanent_Effect_Artefacts 2-3 places - Conditionally free hero (unique) of 32-34 level with unique avatar which you choose and with „Templar Knights Shield” artifact http://1100ad.com/wiki/Artifacts#The_Permanent_Effect_Artefacts 4-10 places - Conditionally free hero (Sibylla of Jerusalem) of 20-24 level and 230 000 resource of each type. Prizes will be given after 2-3 days since snowball battles end. Good luck to all snow gladiators! ATTENTION! One more nomination added: "Snowball fan" and it will be determined among server winners of "Most played snowball battles" nomination, and the player which have the highest number of battles between all server winners will get the prize. |
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on: 02 Jan 2013 [18:56]
on: 02 Jan 2013 [23:32]
on: 03 Jan 2013 [01:45]
on: 07 Jan 2013 [17:10]
on: 07 Jan 2013 [17:23]
on: 07 Jan 2013 [17:35]
on: 08 Jan 2013 [06:01]
on: 08 Jan 2013 [15:11]
Correct A surprise! And before you ask me, both answers are from the developers!crarovew, um...I think that is a very bad assumption. Reasons: PvE has 4X the amount of adventurehuts than PvP Britannia, by my estimation, is a bit smaller than grail. Grail has about 3X the players that Britannia has. Ergo, I will think that it is mostly even to a certain degree but most likely, grail has the edge on Britannia in terms of getting and using snowballs. |
on: 08 Jan 2013 [16:40]
correct so far, but the snowballs will be spread across more ppl on grail. its less likely to get the same percentage of players to cooperate with you on grail than on britannia. just because(!) there are more players on grail it becomes harder to get your share of balls because you are competing with more players. imagine a top10 diagram per server with x-axis = ranking-place and y-axis = count of battles. you will easily c differences between servers. but i dont want to argue on this cause in doesnt really matters to me. as said: congrats to britannia. |
on: 08 Jan 2013 [22:50]
updated: 08 Jan 2013 [22:53]
Obviously it does matter to a small degree to you, so I will continue... There is no limit on the available snowballs, just simple luck and time; so I have no idea why this could be bad. Moreover, does this not instead aid Grail? More players with snowballs = more players to play with = better chance to get into a snowball fight. Then add the AH (Auction House) into the mix... There are 4X the adventure huts on Grail and only 3X more players on Grail. Ergo, the competition is about even with the slight edge going to Grail. I'm sure the leaders of the snowball fights will own their own adventure huts (most likely, more than 3 or 5) so sharing is null. I do agree though that there are differences between the servers. However, I think it is much too hard to compare the servers and make a way to make all the servers equal. I think the final solution to this is just not compare them in the first place and don't offer rewards that involve comparing servers. The solution you posted above does not solve the problem. There is still too much missing from it... |
on: 08 Jan 2013 [22:57]
updated: 08 Jan 2013 [22:58]
I have a suggestion...even though it doesn't matter because the decision has already been made to provide a Special Prize to the player with the Most Total battles out of all the servers.
But I think it would have been more interesting to see which of the Top Battlers has the best percentage of wins. For instance: I currently have 1877 battles and 892 wins...therefore my win percentage is 47.5%. That percentage of wins should be how you determine the overall winner between the servers. But that's just my opinion. LOL P.S. I obviously know the prize is a surprise Crimson...I just hope it's announced after the winner has been determined and the prize is presented. |
on: 09 Jan 2013 [00:15]
updated: 09 Jan 2013 [00:19]
have a look at the brittania statistics: almost every1 was batteling *only* the winner.. was just a quick shot to make servers somehow comparable, but wouldnt (as you noticed) solve the crowd problem of britannia. it was an obvious (and valid) strategy of me to push my order-members with my bad win/lose ratio. i dislike the idea of getting dishourned due to this *after* the battles took place. implementing such a ratio-prize has another big disadvantage: some inactive player with only 1 +3 ball could achieve a percentage of 100% and run away with that trophy. |
on: 09 Jan 2013 [00:29]
on: 09 Jan 2013 [00:32]
updated: 09 Jan 2013 [00:33]
on: 09 Jan 2013 [16:29]
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