on: 11 Dec 2012 [10:01]
updated: 28 Jan 2013 [18:36]

Dear players the 1100AD team proudly presents new historical server El Dorado. This server is dedicated, according to some sources, to the last era of the Middle Ages – the Conquest of Americas, age when steel and firearms of Europe clashed with archaic weapons of indigenous people of the western continent, age when small countries grew into world powers while great empires were wiped off the face of earth – age of New World colonization.

In 1492 Christopher Columbus wishing to lay a western course to the East Indies for the Spanish Crown, accidentally discovered completely new and unexplored continent of Americas. 116 years have passed since then. Many European countries tried to colonize those lands, but only four of them succeeded: Spain, Portugal, France and England.

It's 1608, great empires of Inca and Aztec nations sunk into oblivion, leaving behind only small centers of resistance; hundreds of native tribes of South and North Americas were destroyed and taken into slavery; Mayan city-states are declining, while European military expeditions are conquering opulent lands and founding new cities in the names of their kings, destroying everything built prior to their invasion.

Wind of change is blowing, four powerful nations struggling for the dominion over the New World. Indigenous population and rival European settlements are often destroyed without regret. Victory brings superior advantages for the winning nation, making senseless taking care of anyone but itself. The one superior in the New World, may change the balance of power in the old one as well.


El Dorado server special features:
1. Map of the Americas
Every player has an opportunity to walk in the boots of great European navigator, pioneer and conqueror of America. Vast historically correct map up to 4 000 000 tiles big won't leave any adventurer disappointed.
As usually the world is divided into regions by means of which all the political map changes are being shown. But, unlike the Koryo type servers, Americas holds vast territories that are not only unconquered, but also even unexplored by the European countries – territories full of resources and hidden treasures!
To improve gameplay Americas map features Panama Canal, which wasn’t there at the time; it allows unimpeded passage between Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
El Dorado server presents unprecedented amount of historical cities to the total amount of 209, while four of them being colonial capitals.


2. New Age
The main feature of the El Dorado server is 400 years time shift. All the buildings, troops, heroes and artifacts were redrawn to suit the timeline precisely. All the siege weaponry became gunpowder based, troops changed their chain mails to cuirasses, buildings changed their Gothic and Romanesque architectural style, to the Early Colonial one; indigenous pagan priests and Mesoamerican aboriginal warriors replaced druids and barbarians.


3. States, colonies and metropolises
As on Albion and Koryo type servers, every player on El Dorado is ought to choose the state he wishes to play for during the start. Each player chooses the country he will fight for, the country he will lead to victory.
Unlike previous servers where player could conquer actual capital of some country, like London or Constantinople, El Dorado offers players possibility to lead colonial government with their exclusive right to trade with the metropolis. Only through such trade player gets access to some special buildings, troop types and artifacts.
New concept is introduced to the game – colonial seaport. This port is a NPC location used for sending ships to Europe and conduct trade with mother country. In those ports any military activity is prohibited. Every country has its ports and every player is eligible to use them.*
*Those options will become available to players during winter feasts, when majority of players will be ready for the trade.


4. New profile and achievement system
El Dorado is the first server presenting new player profile and achievement system. New user profile now suits updated game UI, presented on the Albion server; now every player may proudly show his hard earned achievements as to beloved friends, as to hated rivals.
As for achievements – the whole bunch of them is available from the very server opening. Players should work their way to achievements by themselves; we should only mention that achievements are linked to various game aspects, so every player may get some of them regardless of preferred play style.


5. Lost cities and treasure maps
We wouldn't name the server 'El Dorado' if we couldn't be proud of newly introduced lost cities of ancient American Indian cultures and treasures buried within them.
To discover such city player should firstly collect parts of the treasure map, which are randomly dropped in various quest locations. Secondly, map is assembled in town blacksmith and used by the hero. These steps allow player to see approximate location of the lost city. Player should match coordinates to locate it.**
Lost city is something in between ordinary and historical city; it can be taken into contour and it provides bonuses to both population and mercenary points.
**This option will become available to players in 10 days from the server start.


6. Research towers and goods
In XVI and XVII centuries European countries were heavily dependent on colonial goods shipments, like potatoes, maize, tobacco, etc. This dependency is well reflected in the gameplay of the El Dorado server. As in reality, the New World in 1100AD game is full of resource deposits – as ones already known to the Old World, as well as completely new and previously unseen ones. Population of Europe demands all these goods and foods and is willing to pay for them.
To search for those deposits and locate them, player should build a research tower. After construction is finished, all hidden deposits are shown on valley map (if present at all). Until the resource extraction building is captured, deposit is visible for research tower owner only. After player captures any resource extraction point, whole deposit becomes visible to other players and soon he will be forced to deal with uninvited 'neighbors'.
Every resource deposit has several extraction point slots, and is finite – that means it has fixed amount of resources. After you extract all the resources available, deposit disappears.


7. Other features
Besides all the aforementioned innovations, following features are present in game:
- Game sounds now accompany various player actions. It is planned to expand sound range in the future patches;
- Valley map can be moved with drag-and-drop moves by pressing left mouse button;
- Automatic resource distribution between cities is implemented;
- Reputation with Kings now may be used as resource for building construction or troops training;
- For every city point earned player is rewarded with a conditionally free hero;

To celebrate launching of new El Dorado server 1100AD team offers following bonuses:
- Hero price is lowered to 30 diamonds;
- Hero resurrection now 50% cheaper.

Welcome to the world of countless riches and ancient secrets. El Dorado awaits!
on: 13 Dec 2012 [11:12]
on: 13 Dec 2012 [12:12]
on: 13 Dec 2012 [14:23]
i think it is better to fix the BUG´s on old server instead of making always new servers. The Developer should better work on the exist server and not making new worlds. There are so much bugs in this game who must be fixed since month.
on: 13 Dec 2012 [16:18]
agree fix bugz before new server.
on: 13 Dec 2012 [17:49]
updated: 13 Dec 2012 [17:49]
Very nice (:s11:)(:s11:)(:s11:)
on: 16 Dec 2012 [15:42]
chessnick: I understand what you want to get all only in one server but leave a chance to new players to become bests(:s9:)
on: 19 Dec 2012 [01:44]
Best server!!!!(:s22:)(:s33:)
on: 27 Dec 2012 [18:17]
very nice server (:s11:)
on: 27 Dec 2012 [23:20]

This server has a new feel to it that welcomes newcomers. Game mechanics are same as old servers. But the new look adds new excitement. Hats off to the developers on a job well done.

One piece of advice to the developers on El Dorado. English translation needs serious rework. Grammar and spelling errors are rampant throughout the game. It might be worth it to pay more attention to different language translations--especially English--to attract more players to this game.

Also I agree with Chessnick that developers should pay more attention to old servers as well. Keep the current customers happy, I always say.