To keep this section well-structured and neat, please post all English typos and text mistakes that you find in the game in this thread.
Here are some rules / guidelines for this thread: 1: Any posts that do not contribute to the subject, especially spam and off-topic posts, will be deleted without a warning. 2: Please mention where you found the typo or text mistake.
3: Please give an alternative solution for the mistake you found. It doesn't have to be perfect, but I hope to have a constructive spirit in this thread this way.
Your English forum moderators:
on: 24 Sep 2012 [22:36]
updated: 02 Jul 2013 [16:57]
(re-posted by schnitzer90)
on: 28 Sep 2012 [21:23]
updated: 02 Jul 2013 [17:00]
Is this strictly for spelling mistakes? Because there is an awful lot of bad English in the game, even where the spellings are correct.
e.g." A small batch of poisoned arrows were secretly imported by traders from Greece. To manufacture the deadly poison arrows used snakes - poison maintains its properties even when dried. Snake venom caused a slow outflow of dense, very dark blood in place of injury. The wounded are doomed, if there will be no doctor who can make the antidote and clear the wound."
Parts of this are close to meaningless, and I would guess it comes straight out of Google translator.
With this sort of text, there is no real way to correct it, it has to be rewritten. Something like this:
" A small batch of poisoned arrows were secretly imported by traders from Greece. To manufacture the deadly arrows, snake venom was used. This poison maintains its properties even when dried, and causes a slow flow of thick dark blood from the wound. The victims are doomed, if there is no doctor nearby to make an antidote and clear the wound."
[Edit | Crimson | I just combined your two posts into one post for the sake of keeping an ordered thread.]
(€dit June 2nd 2013: The text has been re-written, as far as I can judge it the new version is good. - schnitzer90)
on: 29 Sep 2012 [00:42]
bdob12 I'd say "typos and text mistakes" would include text that is meaningless or miss-leading, but let's not discuss every word.
If it's a grave mistake then yes! Also, please do always provide an alternative solution. It doesn't have to be a perfect one, but I think it shows the constructive character that I was hoping would develop in this thread.
on: 29 Sep 2012 [01:25]
I just noticed a good one in the forum: "Rules should to know everyone"
I found that quite amusing.
on: 29 Sep 2012 [01:54]
updated: 29 Sep 2012 [01:55]
(main post updated, please read the new rules /guidelines)
on: 29 Sep 2012 [02:08]
updated: 02 Jul 2013 [17:36]
In the Order Chat.
when order master or somebody with authorization gives out artifacts from Order treasury, there is an error that drives me nuts.
Ex. I have the ability to give out artifacts in my order
the message that shows says:
Maddog has received 1 "ARTIFACT NAME" artifact(s) from PLAYER.
it should say:
PLAYER has received 1 "ARTIFACT NAME" artifact(s) from Maddog.
on: 07 Oct 2012 [14:45]
A sentence in the Newbie Subscription pack needs to be grammatically corrected.
It currently reads as follows:
"The Newbie Pack subscription is available to purchase for 30 days since registration only"
It should read like this:
"The Newbie Pack subscription is available for purchase for only 30 days from registration"
on: 03 Nov 2012 [01:50]
updated: 03 Nov 2012 [01:50]
In the Wiki, on the Artifact page, the description for the Bag of Silver currently reads:
Bag of silver
About dreams spoil any soldier, but even several silver coins, spent away in tavern, well raise the mood before battle. Onward! On new feats in glory of the lord!
A better description would probably be:
Dreams about silver will spoil any soldier, but several silver coins spent in the tavern, will raise the mood before battle. Onward! New feats of glory for the Lord await!
on: 09 Nov 2012 [04:23]
Another correction for the Wiki:
The Tavern page currently reads as follows.
The tavern is where you auction hero/troops to get free gold.
You also can see your whole army, and the tavern gives off a moral boast for the city's defenders. Upgrading taverns makes moral boats bigger.
Moral boast only affects your troops in your city.
Can buy and sell heroes.
Still pay rate of 5gold a day
Can not sell your free hero
Text should be changed to read:
The tavern is where you can auction hero/troops to get free gold.
You can also see your entire army, and the tavern gives a moral boost for the city's defenders. Upgrading the taverngives a larger moral boost.
The moral boost only affects your troops within your city.
Can buy and sell heroes.
Heroes still cost 5 gold per day You cannot sell your free hero
on: 17 Feb 2013 [08:32]
The Dorado Server
Fortress's Statistics Window
Total cities: 452
Taxable cities: 61
Cities is not taxable: 391
Should say:
Non-taxable cities:
on: 27 Nov 2013 [18:20]
This doesn't seem quite game breaking so to speak but I thought it might be worth mentioning.
Lost Correspondence Quest:
Old Letter
on: 26 Jul 2014 [05:52]
in VonGraudenz last post -- all is good except -- the proper word is MORALE