on: 26 Aug 2012 [17:36]
Dear Outremer players,

Outremer is the server where see travel was first introduced. Many veterans already became fine navy captains and weathered pirates. Before the winter campaign started and after the scorching heat of the summer, it’s good to get your cogs out of harbours and set the sail. There is the chance for tough sailors to show off their skills and fill up coffers with gold.
We are offering you to take part in Outremer Regatta. All you need is will, some time and a little bit of adventurism.
Rules are simple. You have to visit few given places in any order you like but:
1. You army must fit in 3 cogs;
2. You must not use gold to speed up;
3. You allowed to use artefacts and heroes;
4. You can use cities which existed when regatta started;
5. First player to visit all given places wins;
6. Duration of stay in any given place not more than 5 minutes;
7. Defeated army is lost, but it is allowed to send another one;
8. Player must finish at the point where he started (round trip).

Winners will get:
First place – 1000 gold,
Second place -700 gold,
Third place-400 gold.

Regatta starts on 31 August 2012 at 18:00 server time, end of the Regatta on 02 september 2012 at 20.00 server time. Apply in writing to isceon or kornelios or on forum. Coordinates of regatta stopping points will be reviled in dedicated chat.
on: 27 Aug 2012 [14:53]
What that means -. You army must fit in 3 cogs;
on: 27 Aug 2012 [23:28]
Quote haiasi:
What that means -. You army must fit in 3 cogs;

means that the number of units should not exceed 6000 heroes including (:s12:)
on: 02 Sep 2012 [15:35]
updated: 02 Sep 2012 [15:43]
Experience report of the first regatta on Outremer:

Ignorant of the exact sequence and the potential dangers I prepared my army before the first race. The most important question: How do I build an effective army for combat, taking into account the rules of the regatta? At the same time the army should be fast enough for a possible application in a city or country. My choice was the use of only mounted troops. The second question: How do I reach the maximum speed of my army? Apart from the use of the logistics skill of heroes, I needed the right artifacts in sufficient numbers

After all the preparations had been made, I waited for the start of the regatta. The common starting point was the first challenge. How many enemies waiting there on arrival? It was the only time that I was involved in a fight at the regatta. The next question: What is the right order of the waypoints and where are the shortest jump points located?
It was a long night. The shortest distance between two cities was about 8 minutes, the longest 3 hours. No way to sleep.

After a little more than 12 hours I had finally arrived at the start-/finishline. It gave me a lot of fun, no matter what position I will have achieved in the final bill. Hopefully, such an event is repeated, and then maybe do with more participants, which would be certainly more exciting.
