Experience report of the first regatta on Outremer:
Ignorant of the exact sequence and the potential dangers I prepared my army before the first race. The most important question: How do I build an effective army for combat, taking into account the rules of the regatta? At the same time the army should be fast enough for a possible application in a city or country. My choice was the use of only mounted troops. The second question: How do I reach the maximum speed of my army? Apart from the use of the logistics skill of heroes, I needed the right artifacts in sufficient numbers
After all the preparations had been made, I waited for the start of the regatta. The common starting point was the first challenge. How many enemies waiting there on arrival? It was the only time that I was involved in a fight at the regatta. The next question: What is the right order of the waypoints and where are the shortest jump points located?
It was a long night. The shortest distance between two cities was about 8 minutes, the longest 3 hours. No way to sleep.
After a little more than 12 hours I had finally arrived at the start-/finishline. It gave me a lot of fun, no matter what position I will have achieved in the final bill. Hopefully, such an event is repeated, and then maybe do with more participants, which would be certainly more exciting.