on: 28 Jul 2012 [15:36]
Since my previous question I have moved a city close to an Abandoned Mine which I hoped to surround with walls. The Mine is close to water so I cannot build a wall on that side, but I have walls on the other 3 sides with a gap where a Fort would go. However when I tried to build the Fort I got an alert that the walls were not complete.

If I use my city to close the walls would this prevent others reaching the mine.?

PS. One of the walls still has 1 square with rocks. Is this what is causing the alert and not the lack of a wall on the water side?
on: 28 Jul 2012 [16:33]
You need to either post a screenshot or wait for somebody from the Koryo server to help you.
All I can say from the distance is that you need a closed contour of walls (or lakes on the respective servers) to build a fort. Only one open square is allowed and that's the one where the fort will be.
And a contour with a fort is the only option to fully block an area from enemies.
on: 28 Jul 2012 [22:19]
Thanks schnitzer90. Your answer is what I feared it might be.