Dear Players,
Soon, the following updates will become available on the Britannia Server:
The system of sea travels!
The ocean that surrounds Britannia will now be open for the long-awaited seafaring and travels! Building and using ships will greatly accelerate your movements around the map. Each transport vessel can take on board a certain number of soldiers. If a player has got enough ships to carry his/her selected army, then all the troops despatched on a seafaring campaign will be moving with the speed of the kogg. One can only sail between ports and port huts/camps. A port is a city/hut/camp located by the shore; if you hover your cursor over it, you will see the indication of whether this place is a sea-port or not.
Ports and coastal huts! It will be possible to build towns on the ocean shore and they will become ports automatically. Such a transformation greatly changes the functionality and outlook of the place. In the port cities you will be able to build the Shipyard where you will make ships for merchant travels and combat seafaring.
The full-fledged system of states!
Very soon now, there will be the division into six states on Britannia. The order that carries the flag of honour will become a state and its master will become the King of that state!
The plotline continuation!So, you thought we had stopped at that? No way: we have in stock for you the continuation of the captivating plotline of Britannia that will plunge you into the midst of historical events, new turns of tide and secret missions that will not let you feel bored for even a second!
These and many other innovations are waiting for you in the World of 1100AD!