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on: 03 Mar 2012 [23:49]
The details of the Silver Subscription mention as one of the benefits of the subscription "Total Number of Free Heros 2". Is this in addition to the 2 free heros I already have? One came with the start of the game, and the other arrived after about a week of the game. Do I get two more if I get this subscription? Is there any other way to attract more free heros? Thanks
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on: 04 Mar 2012 [00:58]
updated: 04 Mar 2012 [00:59]
if you have already 2 or more free heros, don't buy the subscrition!!!

there is a bug in the game, so you will lose one of your heros if the subscrition is coming to the end.
on: 04 Mar 2012 [02:30]
That's very helpful, thank you. Is there any other way to attract heros, other than buying them with gold? Thanks
on: 04 Mar 2012 [09:11]
привет,как можно здание перенести на другое месть?
on: 04 Mar 2012 [12:18]
Quote forestlaw:
Is there any other way to attract heros, other than buying them with gold?

you can also buy them with diamonds (150 diomands per hero)
on: 04 Mar 2012 [12:57]
updated: 04 Mar 2012 [17:09]
ja4711, what is this glitch?
free heroes are the ones with the green necklace:

while the conditional heroes are the ones with the hourglass:
there is a difference.
no sub:
1 free hero
with sub:
2/4 Silver/Gold

you also get 1 more free hero per town after your 7th town
[edit - after the 7th town, not 6th, sorry]
on: 04 Mar 2012 [13:18]
Quote crimson:
ja4711, what is this glitch?

the problem is, if the subscrition will finish ... the software takes away 1 free hero, if you have more than 1 free hero at this time.

there is no check if the additional free hero already excist before subscrition started or not.
i was not able to explain this to the support team, but many other players agree with me, that there is a bug.
on: 04 Mar 2012 [15:22]
updated: 04 Mar 2012 [17:10]
Quote ja4711:
the problem is, if the subscrition will finish ... the software takes away 1 free hero, if you have more than 1 free hero at this time.

well, yea. of course it does that. why should it let you keep the extra free hero that the subscription gives you when you let the subscription expire?
Quote ja4711:
there is no check if the additional free hero already excist before subscrition started or not.
i was not able to explain this to the support team, but many other players agree with me, that there is a bug.

if you have 2 free heroes before you bought the subscription, and you had under 7 towns, then that itself is a glitch. As I see it, the subscription fixed the glitch of you having more free heroes than your situation allows for.

if you add up the number of free heroes you have and compare it to the amount you can have, then obviously, they should equal. if this is not true, and you have less, then hire another from the tavern (at a cost of 0 gold), if it charges you then there is a glitch. if you have more free heroes than allowed, then that too is a glitch.
on: 04 Mar 2012 [15:46]
Quote crimson:
well, yea. of course it does that. why should it let you keep the extra free hero that the subscription gives you when you let the subscription expire?

No crimson, i don't take an additional free hero (included in the subscription) .... and at the end i lost a free hero, i already had before the subscription.

as a free hero, i also count the blue ones ...
on: 04 Mar 2012 [17:08]
updated: 04 Mar 2012 [17:11]
Quote ja4711:
as a free hero, i also count the blue ones ...

do not count blue. blue are conditionally free and you can have as many as you want. the only thing that kills blue are you and enemy, not the game. the game will never kill blue heroes, only green heroes.

green heroes are limited by the game:
1 green if you do not own a subscription
2 green if you have silver
4 green if you have gold

as a bonus, you get 1 green for every town you own above 7th.

you have silver sub and 9 towns
the game will let you have 4 green heroes
if you lose the silver sub the game will randomly pick 1 green hero and make him into a paying hero.
on: 05 Mar 2012 [00:00]
I never had a subscription, but I have two free heros. One came when i started the game, another arrived after about a week of play. So maybe I was just lucky, but I don't want to lose my extra free hero.
on: 05 Mar 2012 [00:44]
Quote forestlaw:
i started the game, another arrived after about a week of play.

how many cities do you have? do both heroes have green necklace?
on: 05 Mar 2012 [00:58]
updated: 05 Mar 2012 [00:58]
Quote crimson:
example:you have silver sub and 9 towns the game will let you have 4 green heroes

Hang on a second, I have 7 cities and no subscription, but I only have 1 green hero. Shouldn't I have 2?
on: 05 Mar 2012 [01:42]
updated: 05 Mar 2012 [01:44]
Quote crimson:
as a bonus, you get 1 green for every town you own above 7th.

Which means:
Quote shadowwarrior7:
Shouldn't I have 2?

No. (:s14:) (:s15:)
on: 05 Mar 2012 [04:05]
I don't see either one wearing a necklace. I only have one city, the one I was given at the start of the game. I am on Crusade server. maybe it's different.
on: 05 Mar 2012 [04:29]
Also, if I buy a hero in one of these auctions, do I need to keep paying for him, or is he free going forward?
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